Ottawa’s plan to demolish homes for LRT expansion is a huge mistake | Op-Ed CanadaChris Hansen & Henry PaikinJanuary 9, 2021
Defunding the Myths and Cults of Cold War Canada: Ongoing state support for East European émigré groups with deep fascist roots CanadaRichard SandersJanuary 8, 2021
Fact-check: Two NDP MP’s did not Misrepresent Vaccine Distribution in Israeli Occupied Palestine CanadaMorgana AdbyJanuary 7, 2021
Ryerson Campus Conservatives inadvertently expose ramping up of Anti-Indigenous Racism in Conservative Canada CanadaAidan Jonah & Adam RiggioJanuary 2, 2021
Press Forward board of directors member Rachel Pulfer refused to resist persecution of Julian Assange, as JHR executive director CanadaAidan JonahJanuary 1, 2021
15 articles The Canada Files is very proud to have published in 2020 CanadaAidan JonahDecember 31, 2020
Irwin Cotler as a False Humanitarian: Cotler viciously targets critics of Israeli apartheid & allegedly had connections to the mafia CanadaBruce KatzDecember 29, 2020
Irwin Cotler as a False Humanitarian: Cotler supports terrorists while befriending dictators CanadaBruce KatzDecember 27, 2020
Irwin Cotler as a False Humanitarian: Cotler works to persecute critics of Israeli apartheid & lied about being Mandela's lawyer CanadaBruce KatzDecember 26, 2020
Canada Abstention on Opposing Nazism at the UN Shows continued commitment to imperialism CanadaWilliam Ging Wee DereDecember 23, 2020
Canada actively supports Haitian dictator, while continuing efforts to overthrow Maduro CanadaYves EnglerDecember 22, 2020
The Crown is wrong to portray Canada as an ally of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa CanadaTyler ShipleyDecember 10, 2020
Canada embarrasses itself by rejecting dominant Chavista victory in Venezuela elections CanadaTyler ShipleyDecember 8, 2020
The anatomy of a red-scare smear campaign against activists calling for release of Meng Wanzhou CanadaAidan JonahDecember 3, 2020
NDP will Continue Fight Against Privatization of COVID Vaccines, according to Singh CanadaDavid CasselsDecember 2, 2020