Zionist lobby organizations openly seeking fascism in Canada

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Written by: Yves Engler

As Israel spirals further into depravity, Zionist fascism deepens. Canadians promoting Israeli violence are shuttering events, mobilizing the police and banning organizations, as the spectre of state-funded Kahanist ‘security’ groups enters the scene

Zionists are openly calling to “shut down” the upcoming Toronto talk by United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese. On October 10, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, canceled a panel discussion on “workplace mental health” that included a screening of the 1984 film Gaza Ghetto: Portrait of a Palestinian Family. The next day Concordia banned Montreal film collective Regards Palestiniens’ planned October 11 screening of “Resistance, Why?”

The Concordia and McGill administrations also convinced judges to ban protests across their universities between October 5 and 15 (McGill’s bid to extend the ban on protests within five metres of its many buildings was fortunately denied). Both universities have also effectively barred their decades-old student clubs Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR). At McGill, the administration threatened the student union’s entire funding structure if it didn't suspend SPHR.

The kerfuffle whipped up by the genocide lobby over students attending a September 18 Grassy Narrows solidarity protest, which included displays of support for Palestinians, led the Toronto District School Board to cancel its participation in National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day) ceremonies. The anti-democratic, anti-Palestinian, ethos spurring that decision continues to lead to firings. Recently, a former senior manager in BC’s Northern Health Authority sued her former employer and four individuals whose complaints about her posting an anti-genocide song to Instagram led to her dismissal.

On October 2, Niagara police interrogated lawyer Joanna Ruth Berry about social media posts criticizing Israel’s holocaust. Ten Zionist lawyers complained to the Ottawa police and they asked their Niagara counterparts to visit Berry’s home.

After a protest was recently held outside a Jewish community centre hosting an event seeking volunteers for Israeli military bases, Ottawa mayor Mark Sutcliffe announced he would table a “bubble bylaw” to restrict protests near religious institutions and community centres.

At a September 28 march, Toronto police arrested two protesters for waving a flag. The mediatized arrests of individuals waving Hezbollah flags were made despite the Crown previously dropping a charge of incitement laid against an individual with a “terrorist” Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine flag.

On Tuesday, the Toronto police charged two individuals for “wearing masks to conceal their identities while taking part in a demonstration on March 7, 2024.” Quote tweeted by Toronto police chief Myron Demkiw, Zionists celebrated the arrests made for wearing medical masks six months ago and the police’s threat that “charges can be laid at any time—whether it’s hours, days, or even weeks after an incident, including those that take place at demonstrations.”

In recent weeks, Demkiw has posed for photos with members of new Zionist vigilante groups Shomrim and Magen Herut Canada. In New York, Shomrim has repeatedly beat random Black men while Magen Herut roots are in the pre-state Irgun terror group. Magen Herut’s patch says “Nothing says never again: Like an armed Jew. Jews can shoot. Jews can shoot.”

In a recent announcement, Liberal MP Marco Mendicino suggested the government would begin providing funding to the growing list of Zionist vigilante groups in Toronto. In a pre-launch of what Mendicino called the Canada Community Security Program, the former public security minister announced “funding” for “third-party security personnel.” Already the federal government funds a bevy of initiatives that reinforce the genocide lobby including a $50,000 grant for “Raising Public Awareness for B’nai Brith Canada’s Anti-Hate Mobile App.”

The danger of Zionist vigilante groups is not simply due to their public intimidation. These groups also produce networks of individuals who may engage in covert property destruction and violence.

Two weeks ago, Zionist thugs (presumably) smashed up the family restaurant of Toronto journalist Samira Mohyeddin. It came a few weeks after ultra–Zionist Iranian Ontario MPP Goldie Ghamari (out of the blue) mentioned Mohyeddin’s association with the restaurant on X.

There have also been a series of anti-Palestinian hate crimes. On October 10, a man entered a Scarborough Mosque yelling anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic slurs while threatening worshippers. Earlier in the month two individuals broke in and vandalized the Windsor Islamic High School.

In the most troubling escalation of the repressive climate, the Trudeau government banned Vancouver-based Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. After being added to Canada’s terror list last week Samidoun labeled their criminalization as “meant to introduce a norm in which organizations may be designated as ‘terrorist’ for organizing demonstrations, lectures, publishing posters and engaging in entirely public and political work that challenges imperialist states’ complicity in Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ongoing genocide in Gaza.”

Demanding more suppression and state violence, B’nai Brith recently released what it labeled a “7-point plan to combat antisemitism”. It calls for the “Comprehensive Listing of Terrorist Organizations” and to “Ban Rallies That Incite Hate and That Support Terror Entities and Sanctioned Regimes.”

Lawyer and activist Dimitri Lascaris responded, “B’nai Brith’s 7-point plan to ‘combat antisemitism’ can be summed up in one word: Fascism.” This is what Canada’s Zionist lobby wants for Canada.

Yves Engler is the author of 13 books. His latest book, available now, is "Canada's Long Fight Against Democracy”.

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