America's Trojan-horse at the heart of the Canadian government: Chrystia Freeland and Canadian imperialism
Photo Credit: (Macleans / Google Images)
Written by: Bruce Katz
The Canadian government’s complicity in bringing Nazis into Canada at the end of World War II is a little known fact. This was after all the beginning of the Cold War and Nazi elements were considered essential for the purpose of crushing Communists and trade unions in Canada. It is noteworthy that Canada took in more Nazis at the end of World War II than Jews attempting to escape Nazi persecution in Europe during the Second World War.
Frederick Charles Blair, director of the Immigration Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources, expressed Canada’s more or less official immigration policy regarding Jews when answering the question of allowing Jews fleeing the Nazis into Canada with, “None is too many.” (35)
At the same time the United States, which had also systematically barred Jews from entering during the war, brought thousands of Nazi scientists, engineers, military personnel and concentration camp guards into the U.S. through ‘Operation Paperclip.’ (36) “The Americans were particularly interested in scientists specialising in aerodynamics, rocketry, medicine, chemical weapons and chemical reactions”. (37).
Lev Golinkin, writing in The Nation (39) states:
Unlike the Jews they had tortured and murdered, these Holocaust perpetrators got to settle down, start families, work, live, and die in peace. Along the way, they rebranded themselves as “victims of Communism” and “freedom fighters” to whitewash their bloody pasts. Once in a while you hear about one of them—some of the last remaining Nazis in the United States were Ukrainian—but most went on to live unmolested and free in North America.
A good many of these Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada. It is estimated that some 2,000 Ukrainian Nazis were allowed to settle in Canada. That explains why there are a number of monuments in Canada commemorating Ukrainian pro-Nazi collaborators. Golinkin’s article follows on the heels of an article published by journalist David Pugliese in the Ottawa Citizen (40) on July 17, 2020 concerning graffiti (the words ‘Nazi war monument’) painted on a monument located in Oakville, Ontario in the St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery honouring the 14th SS Division (also known as the SS Galichina division) made up of Ukrainians who pledged allegiance to Hitler during the Second World War.
“Some members of the division have been accused of killing Polish women and children as well as Jews during the Second World War”… and in May 1944, “SS leader Heinrich Himmler addressed the division with a speech that was greeted by cheers. ‘Your homeland has become more beautiful since you have lost – on our initiative, I must say – the residents who were so often a dirty blemish on Galicia’s good name – namely the Jews,’ Himmler said.” (41)
According to Lev Golinkin, “Edmonton has a bust of Roman Shukhevych . . . [who] commanded the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which killed Jews and systematically massacred 70,000–100,000 Poles . . .” (42) Golinkin adds, “The new Kiev government had its own neo-Nazi battalions and instituted an ultranationalist policy of officially honoring Shukhevych, the SS Galichina, and other Nazi lackeys and Holocaust perpetrators.”
Chrystia Freeland helped bring that new extreme-right government in Kyiv to life. So did her close friend and ‘liberal’ billionaire oligarch, George Soros. Eric Zuesse writing in The Guardian (43) puts it in clear terms: “Soros, too, is a passionate supporter of the U.S. coup in Ukraine and of Ukraine’s far-right . . . So, it’s reasonable that his fellow anti-Russian fanatic, Freeland, is a friend of his”. Zuesse refers to Soros and Freeland as representing ‘liberal’ fascism as opposed to the ‘conservative’ fascism of the Koch brothers. Freeland is an enthusiastic supporter of oligarchical technocratic rule over the rest of us mortals. She says as much in an opinion piece published in The New York Times in 2013:
“At its best, this form of plutocratic political power offers the tantalizing possibility of policy practiced at the highest professional level with none of the messiness and deal making and venality of traditional politics. You might call it the Silicon Valley school of politics — a technocratic, data-based, objective search for solutions to our problems, uncorrupted by vested interests or, when it comes to issues like smoking or soft drinks, our own self-indulgence.” (44)
What a wonderful world that would be! We mere mortals would no longer have to think for ourselves or indulge in such idle debates over such ‘venal’ things as justice, liberty and equal rights. The ‘philanthrocapitalists’ as Freeland labels them, will do all the thinking and planning for us! A truly liberal fascism indeed! Big Brother could not have stated the case any better.
The ‘utilitarian’ Freeland has absolutely nothing to say about the neo-Nazi elements she has supported and continues to support in Canada and in the Ukraine. Yet they read like a who’s who of fascist ‘heroes’ in the same vein as that of her grandfather. Freeland has ‘deep’ connections to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the League of Ukranian Canadians (LUC), which “glorify the fascist Union of Ukranian Nationals group and Ukranian Nazi collaborators. The UCC considers the fascist nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, the fascist political and military leader of the Bandera faction of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, OUN, as one of Ukraine’s greatest national heroes . . .” (45)
Freeland has referred to Bandera as a “western Ukrainian partisan leader ... who led a guerrilla war against the Nazis and the Soviets” and she has “repeatedly marched with the youth groups which venerate Bandera . . .” (46)
“In 2014 and 2016, Freeland marched in and promoted Toronto’s Ukrainian Festival which included fundraising efforts by Right Sector Canada, a neo-nazi group. Their goal was to purchase military equipment for their fighters in Ukraine. The Right Sector glorifies Stepan Bandera, and wants to ‘build a nationalist Ukrainian state and stage a nationalist revolution.’” (47)
Edward Doks, writing in YNET News in 2018, has this to say about Stepan Bandera and the host of new Ukrainian neo-fascists like Chrystia Freeland who have made a national hero of him:
“Meet Ukraine’s new heroes: Anti-Semitic murderers who massacred Jews and are being commemorated as part of a “decommunization” (a process of dismantling the legacies of communism) in the streets and city squares.
Avenues and streets have been named after Stepan Bandera and his partners, who collaborated with the Nazis and massacred Jews during the Holocaust. Ironically, the avenue leading to Moscow and to Babi Yar (the site of massacres carried out by German forces and local Ukrainian collaborators) is named after Bandera . . .” (48)
In short, Chrystia Freeland follows faithfully in her Nazi grandfather Michael Chomiak’s footsteps. The ‘liberal’ fascism which she glorifies as being the New Oligarchical/Technocratic World Order is in keeping with her crypto-fascist leanings and her pro-Nazi indoctrination via her grandfather. Her professed support for Israel can now be seen in the full light of her own veiled anti-Semitism (anyone who adulates Nazis is no lover of the Jews but may love Israel as the manifestation of an extreme-right political entity based on the notion of ethnic purity which is surely what drove Chomiak’s ideological leanings and drives Freeland’s Ukrainian patriotism.)
On Jan 27, 2020, Freeland ironically and hypocritically tweeted her solidarity with Holocaust Remembrance Day:
Yasha Levine replied to her tweet with one of his own:
The question which begs asking is: What is an avid admirer of extreme-right elements in the Ukraine and elsewhere doing as Canada’s current Deputy Prime Minister, and former Foreign Affairs Minister? The answer is this: she was placed there as part of a long-term strategy on the part of Deep State strategists. She is the (fascist) Prime Minister-in-waiting.
Chrystia Freeland: The Trojan Horse at the Heart of Government
To Benito Mussolini, the father of fascism, is attributed the statement that “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” There is no existing source where the statement can be found but if Mussolini did not express it, he should have. It is a concise definition of the essence of fascism: the fascist state is the corporate state.
The modern-day prophets heralding a new technocratic fascist state are those oligarchs and multinational corporations so dear to Chrystia Freeland’s heart and mind. This article has established without a doubt the proto-fascist nature of Chrystia Freeland’s ideological underpinnings. What needs to be understood is that the arrival of Freeland within Justin Trudeau’s inner circle was no accident. It was the fruit of long-term planning on the part of what is now commonly referred to as the Deep State, whose objective is the placement of neo-fascist operatives within the inner circles of allied governments and the toppling of adversarial ones.
Chrystia Freeland, by virtue of her close contacts with ‘liberal’ oligarchs (a misnomer) such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk et al, her anti-socialist, right-wing, unfettered free market ideological underpinnings, her penchant for the promotion of coups d’état (Ukraine and Venezuela), her hawkishness, have made her the ideal Deep State operative to eventually occupy the post of Prime Minister of Canada.
Justin Trudeau, inexperienced in the art of politics, essentially bereft of any real understanding of geopolitics, was the ideal candidate to take on the perceived mantle of leadership, thereby providing the cover for the real power behind the throne: Chrystia Freeland. Deep State strategists understood from the outset that the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada would likely fall into the lap of Chrystia Freeland once Trudeau had stepped aside.
What we are now witnessing is Trudeau’s fall from grace. His largely ineffectual leadership is unraveling which means that Freeland’s moment is soon to arrive. It should be noted that proportional to Trudeau becoming ensconced in the latest conflict of interest problem, is Freeland’s retreat into the shadows so as to be as far removed from the scandal as possible. That is the move of someone seeking to replace a leader. That, after all, is what Soros and company have planned all along. That Trudeau understands nothing of this is no great surprise given his overall lack of political acumen.
But this is a matter of great concern for people everywhere in Canada. Chrystia Freeland is a threat to the very principle of democracy in this country. Her track record proves it. She is an unrepentant Warhawk, a proponent of regime change, a potential war-monger. At a point in time when powerful nations are forming into armed camps and the beating of war drums is heard in the distance, Canadian foreign policy should be aimed at attempting to strike a balance between conflicting powers rather than allowing itself to be made part of a hostile camp bent on imperial domination; it should be promoting de-militarization and de-nuclearization, not the opposite. It should be pursuing policies meant to promote internationalism, not ethnic nationalism.
Freeland has had an absolutely debilitating effect on Canadian foreign policy. She has completed the task begun by the Harper government. Her own narrow agenda has resulted in a situation where Canada is completely isolated on the world stage, hitched to an empire in sharp decline. It will pay a heavy price as the new economic order evolves thanks in no small part to Freeland. She has also benefited from the free pass offered to her by our corporate media. But then, who owns the media? To ask the question is to answer it.
Yes, there is something rotten in the state of Canada. The source of it is clear enough.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Bruce Katz is a retired language teacher and a founding member and current co-president of Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU) a Montreal-based pro-Palestinian solidarity organization founded in November of 2000.
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