Source: US planned raid of Mexican embassy in Ecuador, to kidnap Glas

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Written by: Aidan Jonah

This May, The Canada Files broke the story that the US’ secret services in Ecuador spied on the Mexican embassy to inform Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa of Mexico’s plan to get ex-Vice President Jorge Glas out of the country, enabling the illegal raid on Mexico’s embassy in Ecuador. Back then, this outlet asked if Canada would take any action as a result. They have not, but there’s more to the story.

Another source, this time within the US military – a well-placed individual speaking on the condition of anonymity – has informed The Canada Files that the US intelligence and military planned the raid on Mexico’s embassy and had Ecuador’s GIR and marines conduct it, using the Ecuadorian national police as cover.

The source says Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa visited their commander at the Manta military base on April 2, 2024, to go over the plan for the Ecuadorian GIR and marines to raid the Mexican embassy. Through recently signed military cooperation agreements between the US and Ecuador, the US had sent personnel from the military to the Manta military base in Ecuador, while US intelligence personnel came outside the agreements. The military personnel trained Ecuadorian tactic groups, the GIR (Grupo de Intervención y Rescate)/ National Intervention and Rescue Unit, and the Ecuadorian marines.

These Ecuadorian tactic groups then flew to Quito, Ecuador, on a C130H gifted to them by the US, after getting intelligence from the CIA that Mexico was seeking to get persecuted ex-Vice President Jorge Glas out of Ecuador. The tactic groups then conducted the illegal raid of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador, based on the US plan. The source alleges that USAID personnel even handled crisis communications, while units from other intelligence agencies including the FBI, CIA and DHS were also in Ecuador. Meanwhile, all media attention for the raid went to the Ecuadorian police, ensuring that the Ecuadorian GIR, marines and US field agents all went unnoticed.

The US military personnel then continued training Ecuador’s GIR and marines until May 14, 2024, to avoid suspicion being cast on the US for Glas’ kidnapping.

And months after the illegal raid on Mexico’s embassy in Ecuador, Glas remains in an Ecuadorian prison, while Mexico and Ecuador’s dueling International Court of Justice cases carry on.

Meanwhile, Canada continues to seek further ties and connections with Ecuador, regardless of the illegal raid. Canada continues discussions for a bilateral trade agreement with Ecuador, showcasing its continued lack of concern for international law.

Will justice come? Will Canada eventually discover a genuine interest in protecting international law? Only time will tell.

Aidan Jonah is the Editor-in-Chief of The Canada Files, a socialist, anti-imperialist news outlet founded in 2019. Jonah wrote a report for the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, held in September 2021.

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Aidan Jonah