Op-Ed | The MSM journalist who condemned Canadian imperialism to a foreign minister’s face
Ex-La Presse foreign correspondent and current TCF Advisory Board member Jooneed Khan mentioned in the pages of Montreal Gazette, on June 1, 1995. Clipped via Newspapers.com.
Written by: Jooneed Khan
As Canada kicked out Brian Mulroney’s Tories and brought back the Liberals under Jean Chrétien in November 1993, the new Foreign Minister, André Ouellet, assembled a national brainstorming event in Ottawa on Canadian foreign policy.
With more than 15 years (then) as international affairs reporter and analyst at the Montreal daily newspaper ‘La Presse’, I was invited to participate. Canada had plucked me out of Mauritius in 1964 with a Commonwealth scholarship for university studies, and by this time, I had returned to Canada as an immigrant, become a citizen, and was the proud father of Canadian-born children.
The Cold War had ended in 1989-1990 in the most negative way for me, a native of Mauritius, seeing ‘Economic Apartheid’ locked into place despite the 50-year struggle of the Global South for decolonisation, sovereignty, dignity, peace and development.
My teenage years were marked by a struggle against our own Apartheid (Mauritius got one person, one vote only in 1958) – while Algeria fought its war of liberation, and South Africa and Palestine were fighting their very own brands of Apartheid.
Mauritius became independent in 1968, but it remains under ‘Economic Apartheid’. The same is true for South Africa - where only ‘Political Apartheid’ was terminated in 1994. In Palestine, the full-spectrum struggle continues.
The Cold War had locked the Global South for half a century in the horrible trap of the brutal Est-West conflict – with genocidal wars in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Southern Africa, Central and South America. This was compounded by economic domination of the Global North, the Centre, over the Global South, the Periphery. For the South, it was full-fledged ‘under-development’ in progress…
The Global South then, the overwhelming majority of humanity, looked forward to the end of the Cold War, and to ‘Peace Dividends’ that would ensue with an earnest pivot to the long-delayed North-South Dialogue - which gained momentum in the 1970s with a series of UN and other reports on global economic disparities, in a context of East-West ‘Détente’.
In tune with Canada’s claim as a ‘peace-keeper’ nation, and a ‘Middle Power’ linked to the Global South through both the Commonwealth and the Francophonie, Pierre Trudeau tried a North-South dialogue of his own in the 1980s, as well as an East-West détente ‘Peace Tour’.
The dynamics culminated with the North-South Summit of October 22-23, 1981, in Cancun, Mexico, with Pierre Trudeau as co-chair, partnering with Jose Lopez Portillo, President of Mexico.
It was the only North-South Summit ever held. Trudeau kept good relations with Cuba, and he recognized the People’s Republic of China in 1970, nine years before the US. But he kept Canada in NATO, and allowed US cruise missile testing – though he reduced military participation in the NATO.
Trudeau’s other projects bore the same stamp of ‘calibrated ambiguity’.
His 1982 Constitution enhanced Canada’s sovereignty, but kept the British monarch, who came to sign the document, as the country’s Head of State. He rallied the English provinces around the new Constitution – but he alienated Quebec with its French majority.
His Charter of Rights and Liberties increased the power of the (federal) Supreme Court – but ignored the demands of Indigenous nations: for repeal of the 1876 colonialist, racist and apartheidist Indian Act, and for a return to the Treaties their forbears signed with the Crown, which preserved their sovereign rights over and under land and water.
Pierre Trudeau resigned in 1984, leaving the field to Brian Mulroney’s Tories who, over two terms, threw Canada’s weight behind ending political Apartheid in South Africa – and behind bringing Quebec back into the Constitution. Trudeau kept silent over South Africa – but actively helped defeat Mulroney’s Meech Lake Accord.
Trudeau died in 2000, a whole decade after the end of the Cold War. So he saw the US Hegemon, emerging as ‘victor of the Cold War’ and ‘Sole Superpower’, swiftly move to reshape the World Order, as early as 1989-1990. The US entrapped Iraq in Kuwait, broke up Yugoslavia, backed the Tutsi 15 per cent minority’s military drive to set up a ‘Black Apartheid’ regime in Rwanda – to control and loot the fabulous wealth of the martyr nation of DRC-Congo.
The Global South’s hopes of ‘Peace Dividends’ went down the drain, together with one half-century of a World Order founded on the UN Charter, the Human Rights Declaration, the supremacy of Diplomacy over War, and the Conventions intertwined in the architecture of International Law. Both Trudeau and Mulroney, lawyers by profession, kept silent.
Addressing a joint session of Congress on the ‘Gulf Crisis’ on September 11, 1990, US President George HW Bush Sr said: ‘Out of these troubled times, a new world order can emerge…, a new era of prosperity and peace.’ That was one 9/11.
Iraq insisted it was ready to negotiate and withdraw, but Bush Sr. adamantly refused. He was bent on war, which he declared on February 23, 1991, and ended on February 28, after 100 hours of full-spectrum destruction and massacre, including some 30.000 Iraqi soldiers, civilians, and families from many nations, destroyed on the ‘Highway of Death’ as they were leaving Kuwait after the war had ended!
On February 28, 1991, just hours after the fighting ended, Bush Sr. celebrated victory, proclaiming: ‘By God, we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.’ He had shown that the US, not the UN nor no one else, but the US alone, was fit to act as ‘policeman of the world.’
This was the overall objective context, and the subjective frame of mind, that informed my decision to participate in André Ouellet’s Foreign Policy ‘consultation’ in early 1994. My table of some 30-40 participants was chaired by Adrienne Clarkson – who would be appointed Governor General by Jean Chrétien in 1999. Attendants were given two to three minutes to air their briefs.
I pointed out I too was a visible minority at the table. But I stressed I was ‘as Canadian as Samuel de Champlain and Sir John A Macdonald: a first generation Canadian!’ This opening statement was received with smiles and chuckles.
I then listed my basic recommendations for a new Canadian Foreign Policy for the post-Cold War world:
Canada should abolish the monarchy and become a Republic.
Canada should repeal the colonialist Indian Act and, in a spirit of mutual respect and mutually beneficial interest, rebase relations with Indigenous nations on Treaties they signed with the Crown over the course of Canada’s colonial History.
Canada should in earnest bring Quebec back within the Constitution in a manner that fully respects Quebec’s identify and interests within the Canadian system, including the decolonisation of relations with Indigenous nations.
Canada should withdraw from NATO. (This idea was met with rising rumbles of disapproval around the table).
And Canada form a G5 or G6 with major democracies of the Global South – like South Africa (which was rapidly heading for Black majority rule), India, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria… as a new permanent framework for a relaunch of the North-South Dialogue.
Long before the fact, this last suggestion meant breaking with the Unipolar Order and embracing Multipolarity!
Nearly three decades have elapsed since the Ottawa meeting in 1994. Canada remains more than ever a vassal State in the US/UK/EU/NATO System – now under direct challenge from Eurasia (SCO – Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) and the BRICS group of nations, flanked by dynamic, the new CELAC (Caribbean/South America), African Union and West Asia (ex-Middle East).
Indeed, Canada’s ‘National Policy’ proclaimed by Tories and Liberals alike over more than two centuries has never been ‘national’; it has in fact been a perennial adjustment to UK Imperial and colonial ‘Rule by Privy Council’ – first against the US, then under the US itself.
In his 2018 book ‘Left, Right, Marching to the Beat of Imperial Canada’, Yves Engler has lucidly, and dismally, exposed how the so-called ‘Left’ built from 1932 around the CCF, SDP and NDP, on a Labour and Trade Union base, remains hostage to Canada’s ‘Imperialist structural System’. Thomas Mulcair even purged the word ‘socialist’ from the NDP constitution.
The ‘calibrated ambiguity’ of Pierre Trudeau’s half-hearted constitutional ‘insurgency’ becomes clear in the context of the Imperial Structural Reality. Sir John A., who advocated an ‘Aryan Canada’, said: ‘A British subject I was born; a British subject I will die’. Trudeau just gave the impression he disagreed – but never dared saying so.
In late 1996, Chrétien appointed Ron Boudria as the Minister of International Cooperation and Francophonie. As Boudria was launching a tour of Africa, he told me: ‘Africa trusts Canada because we have no colonial baggage…’ I said he should stop peddling that myth. He was stupefied. I said: ‘Canada is a paragon of successful colonialism. If it were not, you and I would be speaking Mohawk or Inuktitut, not English and French!’ His face lit up, and he said: ‘You’ve got a point there!’
The disconnect between Canada’s ‘non-colonial Foreign policy’ claims and the reality of Canada walking in lock-step with the G7, NATO and the US can only be traced to the fact of Canada as UK ‘subject’ and US vassal. Foreign policy and internal policy make up an organic whole. This is why I suggested in 1994 that Canada put its house in order first, then carve for itself a new, creative, original and meaningful role in the world.
Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country's only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We've provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019, and need your support.
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Jooneed Khan is a member of The Canada Files Advisory Board. Khan is a retired writer and human rights activist. He was a foreign correspondent for La Presse, Quebec’s largest newspaper, for 36 years. He was trained at Radio Canada International (French), at Canadian Press (English) and CP’s Broadcast News (French). He was educated on a Commonwealth scholarship at U of Windsor and Montreal. He was born in Mauritius and is multilingual.
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