EXCLUSIVE: Former Jordan parliamentarian kidnapped, according to family in Canada

Written by: Mariam Nouser

Saleem Bataineh speaking on a talk show in Nov. 2019. Bataineh frequents talk shows, discussing the political climate of Jordan. (Google)

Saleem Bataineh speaking on a talk show in Nov. 2019. Bataineh frequents talk shows, discussing the political climate of Jordan. (Google)

A former member of Jordan’s parliament has been taken from his home and detained, according to his family living in Canada.

Saleem Bataineh, 64, was forcefully taken outside his home in Irbid, Jordan on April 7. The disappearance was caught on CCTV and the footage was obtained by The Canada Files on April 11.

Capture of CCTV footage the day of Bataineh’s disappearance. The grey sedan was the car Bataineh was in when forced out by security personnel. (Bataineh family)

Capture of CCTV footage the day of Bataineh’s disappearance. The grey sedan was the car Bataineh was in when forced out by security personnel. (Bataineh family)

Bataineh, who was a member of parliament from 2013 to 2016, actively speaks on various talk shows across Jordan, analyzing the government’s actions.

On Sunday, Bataineh’s family told TCF that he was taken to jail and will be there for 14 days awaiting trial.

According to the family, the government will be pressing charges against Bataineh for allegedly trying to change the government.

Bataineh speaking about the government’s need to reform punishment in Nov. 2019.

The same day the family was notified of his detainment, thousands of Jordanians started tweeting out “#أين_ المهندس_ سليم” or “where is engineer Saleem”, which later became the number one trending topic on Twitter in Jordan.

A Facebook group has also been created by his relatives to spread the word about his case and to pressure the government.

Many Jordanians living abroad, including Bataineh’s family, are pressuring their local governments to assist in freeing the former member of parliament.

The family’s worry

Bataineh has been suffering from poor health for a while, including a battle with osteosarcoma.

Bataineh’s brother in Canada matched with his brother to give bone marrow. He is still recovering from the transplant procedure.

His family is worried about his well-being due to the current pandemic. Rahaf Bataineh, his neice, says she is worried about her uncle’s well-being, as he has pre-existing medical conditions.

What is Jordanian politics like?

Jordan is classified as a parliamentary monarchy, with a prime minister as the head of state. Jordan has also been a constitutional monarchy since 1952 with King Abdullah II serving as king since 1999.

On the parliamentary side, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz has been in power since mid-2018.

While many Jordanians support the king, many call the parliament to question. Like many Arab-states, civilians risk detention for their public disapproval against the government.

Bataineh, like many of his fellow Jordanians, supports King Abdullah as seen in many of his videos.

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