Iranian diaspora in Canada deprived of right to vote as 'reformist' Pezeshkian wins election

Iran’s President, Masoud Pezeshkian, appeared at a Presidential election campaign rally in Iran, in June. Credit: X/@drpezeshkian

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Written by: Marthad Umucyaba

The Iranian diaspora was prevented from voting during the Iranian presidential elections, which saw moderate reformist Pezeshkian winning the election. Canada, to attack any international opposition to the NATO ethnic cleansing plan in Palestine, followed up the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation with continued diplomatic contempt for the Iranian diaspora.

The Canada Files spoke with Dr. Nassim Noroozi, a lecturer at Concordia University, to discuss the measures and pernicious tactics that the Canadian government used to prevent Iranians from voting. This comes in the context of a complete absence of diplomatic ties rooted in Iran’s enforcement of human rights for the indigenous population of the Middle East. The rights and sovereignty of Indigenous nations in general, of course, have always been rejected by Canada.

The pretext for barring Iranian diaspora votes in Canada

The pretext was initially established in 2012, when the Iranian and Russian intervention ensured the eventual failure of the NATO-backed Wahhabi regime change operation against Syria. This new reality prompted the ‘need’ by Canada and other NATO states to ‘enforce human rights’, in other words, retaliate, against Iran. Canada then proceeded to close the Iranian embassy in Canada and force out diplomats, causing a tit for tat reaction from Iran, essentially severing diplomatic ties. Iran’s embassy in Switzerland is now the only intermediary available for any possibility of the Iranian diaspora to receive consular services in Canada.

According to Dr. Noroozi, there was a possibility for ballot boxes at the Iranian embassy to be brought to Canada across the border from the United States for this 2024 election, through the sole intermediary, Iran’s Swiss embassy. Canada rejected the option, and was the only state so uniquely hostile to the Iranian diaspora in preventing them from even participating in the elections. The Canadian state alleged that allowing Iran to vote would ‘legitimise the authoritarian regime’.

Dr. Noroozi alleged that there is an ‘overthrowist’ sentiment motivated by the likes of the MEK and the Iranian Monarchists, who are against legitimising the Iranian political system through elections. The movements have a strong influence in Canadian politics and have been allowed to shape the current policy towards Iran for a long time.

Iran’s checks and balances against NATO interference in elections

According to the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, presidential candidates have to go through a screening from the Guardian Council. They are then approved finally by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Assembly of Experts, known collectively in the constitution as the Leadership. The Assembly of Experts is elected by the public after fulfilling the requirements of becoming a qualified Shi’a Marja, who is a declared scholar of the Usuli Twelver Shi’a school of Islamic thought. The Ayatollah and Leader is elected subsequently among the Assembly of Experts based on Marja qualifications and character. The candidates are screened for their ability to comply with the constitution in terms of fulfilling the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Article 3, based on character, previous experience, and reputation. The rights of the citizenry in Article 3, stipulated as goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran, are as follows (IranConstitution, Pages 8-9):

  • The right to a society free of moral corruption.

  • The right to be informed through the media.

  • The right to free education and free physical training at all levels, from preschool to Post Doctorate education.

  • The right to participate in the innovation of science and culture within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  • The right to a country free of imperialism and malign foreign interference.

  • The right to a society free of monopoly and autocracy.

  • The general right to social and political freedoms within the constitutional framework.

  • The right to participation in the country’s politics, economy, and society.

  • The right to freedom from all forms of discrimination.

  • The right to freedom from burdensome government bureaucracy.

  • The right to safety through National Defence.

  • The right to freedom from poverty and deprivation, and the universal right to social insurance.

  • The right to innovation in the spheres of technology and science.

  • The right of all citizens to be equal before the law.

  • The right to a cooperative Islamic society.

  • The right of both Muslims and the oppressed around the world to support and solidarity from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The President has the power to appoint ministers and ambassadors according to Article 133 and Article 128 respectively (IranConstitution, Page 35) and to allocate the state budget and resources according to Article 126 (IranConstitution, Page 34). In the event of any possible nefarious, unconstitutional, and pro-NATO actions by the President, the Ayatollah has the powers, under Article 110, Subsection 10 (IranConstitution, Page 31). These powers include the ability to dismiss the President after said President is found guilty in a court of law of violating his constitutional duties, or if the Consultative Assembly declares a vote of no confidence, and call elections for a subsequent president that will comply with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s constitution.

A quick summary of what’s next

Marthad: President-elect Pezeshkian has signalled to Hezbollah that support for the resistance will continue unabated. Does this remove any prospect of meaningful negotiations on JCPOA? One of the reasons that Trump withdrew from the agreement before involved support to Hezbollah and Hamas.

Dr. Nozoori: …Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the deal and the “arbitrary” conditions he put is a classic case of breaking treaties on the part of the coloniser…making the deal conditional upon a clause that is irrelevant to the “treaty” (deal) itself, is not just irrational, but a legacy of how the West has maintained its supremacy over other nations: acting unethically and not adhering to their words and thus expanding their predominance and power.

The predominance and power of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and its effectiveness in the latest Israel-Palestine war, deemed as “Al-Aqsa Flood” by the Axis of Resistance, is what has incited the hostility of Canada towards the Iranian diaspora that is not wedded to the NATO pro-colonial party line. Iran’s logistical support of other elements of the Axis of Resistance has demonstrated a serious threat to the colony of Israel. Ansarullah, for example, armed and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, was able to hit Tel Aviv from Yemen in an undetected flight path of over 2000 kilometres. Both wings of Iran’s military are now registered as terrorist organisations by Canada since June 19, 2024, and December 17, 2012, respectively.

Having an ambivalent or neutral attitude towards the declared ‘enemies’ of the colony of Canada will no longer be enough. The NATO party line must now be followed by the ‘citizenry’. Even the slightest hint of defiance to their white supremacist mission will mean the end of the livelihood, dignity, and welfare of ‘enemies of the state’. Canada’s decision to cut off the Iranian diaspora from their home country is just the beginning, and the continuation of further anti-diaspora policies like the ‘Chinese Foreign Interference’ campaign and the anti-Russian diaspora domestic sanctions regime. You are now either with NATO white supremacy or you are against it. And the choice, whether you are decisive early enough or not, will be made for you soon enough by colonial Canada, with a heavy and brutal hand.


Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.

He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.

Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country's only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We've provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019, and need your support.
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