Going public: Canadian senior citizen exiled after exposing PM’s Racism and NATO in Hong Kong
Caption: The Canada Files reporter Marthad Umucyaba, interviewing effectively stateless Canadian expat Eleanor Wong. Image credit: The Canada Files’ Youtube Channel.
Written by: Marthad Umucyaba
The exiled Canadian, whose story we partially covered when she used the alias of Carl Chen, has decided to reveal herself to the world, as Eleanor Wong.
Wong has experienced the brutality of the Canadian government, through their retaliation to her writing, social media posts and publishing of three critical books on Justin Trudeau, including those condemning his fake feminism, and exposures on his “black face” racism. Wong was also subject to racial discrimination at the Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong, because of her interracial marriage with her Chinese husband, now separated.
Wong was a witness to the NATO colour revolutions and the military operations in Hong Kong. She was able to also follow the social media posts of US Marines providing military training to the protestors and encouraging and inciting a bloody, secessionist coup attempt against the Hong Kong LegCo. Wong has also done extensive research on the “Taiwan Independence” secessionist movements, the “Hong Kong democracy” movements, and their ties to white supremacists in the former Confederate states of the United States of America, now in the highest positions of the United States government.
Canadian Consulate’s Racist Attitude Towards Interracial Marriage
As mentioned in the previous instalment of this article, Wong would go to the Canadian Consulate to Hong Kong and Macao as a preferred route for renewing her passport, and then deal with visa matters, as the bureaucracy was less stringent in Hong Kong. Moreover, she could use a Business Visa for the sake of her entrepreneurial adventures and teaching work in mainland China at the same time.
Note: See endorsements of Wong from former work colleagues and owners of businesses she did work for (pages 17-19, No Passport No Visa).
The Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong first began acting in an unsual manner in 2016, when Eleanor wanted to have her former maiden name removed for her current legal last name, Wong, on her passport. The racist supervisor, ironically with the Chinese last name of Wong herself, who did not like the idea of a white Canadian woman taking on a Chinese last name, after a long exchange and dispute, offered her the normal five-year passport if she kept her maiden name.
“If you keep your English name, I’ll give you a five-year passport, and I’ll even waive the guarantor fee. However, if you insist on using your ‘married’ name, you’ll only get a two-year passport.” (12:03-12:30)
This was unprecedented. Two-year passports are not even readily available on the Canadian website, and aren’t available in any normal application for a passport. Even temporary passports only have a maximum duration of one year. She was offered a discount on passport renewal fees, and threatened with an unprecedented short term passport, simply for wanting to share the family name of her Chinese husband. Eleanor Wong refused to accept the racially bigoted proposal, and was forced to accept the final two year passport that she received, before her true persecution began.
Canada’s Five-Year Persecution of Eleanor Wong
Eleanor Wong began facing repression from the Canadian Consulate after her three books, critical biographies about Justin Trudeau, were in the final stages of being published. The three books written by her, Justin Trudeau: America In Danger, Jihadi Justin, and Fake Male Feminism, were set to be published in April 2018. Her two-year passport was up for renewal in February of 2018, as she was finalising her books and the books were about to be published.
Wong ran into an unusual condition for her Canadian passport renewal. She needed to prove that she had Hong Kong permanent residence with a Hong Kong Identity Card. Naturally, she opposed this. After all, there should be no reason to require proof of Hong Kong residency to obtain a Canadian passport.
As she was attempting to renew her passport in February 2018, she was making progress on the books, which was known to her social media followers. (17:08-17-28)
Finally, the Canadian Consulate gave an ultimatum to her that without a Hong Kong Identity Card, in a supervisor’s words, “You won’t get past the security guards at the door”. (page 7, letter in No Passport No Visa)
Eventually, because Wong was unable to renew her passport, well after the publication of her books in April 2018, the visa she was using in China expired in August 2018. Then, she was placed before a judge at Hong Kong’s Court of First Instance, in December 2018. She was given leniency, due to the fact that the overstay was only four months, and the Canadian consulate was the one at fault.
A Hong Kong judge ordered the Canadian consulate to provide her with a valid passport by the end of January of 2019. This order was ignored initially under the pretext of Wong failing to provide her birth certificate, but this is not a requirement to renew a passport (page 8, No Passport No Visa).
She attempted to obtain her birth certificate from the Quebec government, but they refused to release her information, in February 2019 (page 8-9, No Passport No Visa). In late April 2019, the Canadian Consulate cruelly gave her false hope by ‘conceding’ to the fact that there was no birth certificate requirement, and requested solely the processing fee and documents listed on the government website as a requirement for renewal of a passport (page 9-10, No Passport No Visa).
Wong needed time to pay the fee, so she had to wait until May 2019 (page 10, No Passport No Visa) to submit her passport application. However, even after paying the fee, the Consulate has refused to provide her with the valid 5-year passport to this day. The consulate has also tried to lure her into the Hong Kong Immigration Detention Centre with the false promise of the passport being there, in November 2019 (page 13, No Passport No Visa).
Incidentally, the Hong Kong Immigration Detention Centre is still using the British Colony-era Nude Body searches, along with anal and vaginal probes on detained migrants, even though the practice is banned in Mainland China, and most other states in the region, including Pakistan (page 29, No Passport No Visa).
Hong Kong does this in an effort to crack down on drug trafficking. It is also a cruel way of discouraging non-refoulement claims, as the government of the Hong Kong SAR does not officially accept refugees, according to their understanding of what the two systems jurisdiction means, and due to the West’s continued control of the NGOs responsible for supporting refugees in the Special Administrative Region (page 10, Violent Protests PDF).
Under these circumstances, she was recently offered a one-time passport back to Canada. However, the readers of this article should pose themselves this question: Isn’t only offering a one-time passport back to Canada a violation of her right to freedom of movement, if she in fact fulfilled the requirements necessary to receive a valid 5 or 10 year passport? And most importantly, after being tortured in this manner psychologically, and nearly lured into a detention centre sexually assaulting female migrants by Canada, would any of you believe that such a country would be safe to return to at this juncture?
As of this moment, Eleanor has no access to adequate health care or housing. At the time that the Canadian consulate decided to initiate this act of cruelty, she was 69 years old. This cruelty has continued on until this day, and she is now 74 years old.
The Canada Files reached out to Global Affairs’ International Media Office, which handles media affairs for Canadian consulates, for comment. The office declined to comment, instead pushing our request to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, which Eleanor did not have any personal engagement with. The media office is open on weekends, while IRCC is not, so TCF will update the article with IRCC's comment, if they provide it.
White Supremacist Origins of Taiwanese/Hong Kong Secessionism
“As one westerner said: ‘Now that the west is faced with a crisis of identity, [the west] sees the world as a jungle and presents itself in the best of lights as a beautiful garden’,… some potent interests see this fabrication as their tools of choice.”
- Ebrahim Raisi, president of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the UN 78th General Assembly
During Wong’s criminal mistreatment at the hands of the Canadian government, she witnessed the criminal actions of US soldiers in inflaming the US and NATO sponsored coup attempt in Hong Kong. Wong was motivated to search for more information on both the Pan-Green coalition in Taiwan province and the secessionist movement in Hong Kong. To her surprise, the main drivers of the movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan were white supremacists based in former Confederate states.
Benjamin Song, who Eleanor exposed in the previous article, is loosely tied to Tom Cotton, the senator representing Arkansas, through Song’s father-in-law, ChenWai Wong, who served alongside Tom Cotton in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tom Cotton, like many of the senators with a rabid anti-communist/anti-China stance, is in fact the descendant of slave owners.
Tom Cotton has ancestors who owned between seven to 12 slaves. Jesse Cotton, Tom Cotton’s ancestor, in particular, owned twelve slaves in Arkansas before Abraham Lincoln’s election, and just before the civil war (page 5, Tom Cotton Doc). Needless to say, the Cotton family enthusiastically supported the Confederacy. Tom Cotton as recently as June 2020, even called for a military crackdown on the Black Lives Matter uprising, using polls tailored from the most racist elements of American society as an excuse to support the military crackdown.
Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas who accepts financing from weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, is also associated with the neo-liberal and western supremacist Bilderberg Group through one of his largest donors, Peter Thiel, along with the white supremacist True Texas Project group. The True Texas Project group has been vocal in labelling Latin American refugees as “invaders” and is infamous for persecuting them. Both of the aforementioned groups shamelessly support the imperialist project of splitting China and inciting civil war. Ted Cruz uses these diplomatic and political resources to bolster the support of the secessionist Pan-Green Coalition in Taiwan province.
Many of these racist movements, much like its international expression in NATO, have acted out of desperation, due to the white supremacist world order coming to an end. This desperation is emphasised by Benjamin Song in the previous instalment of this article, and Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian president, during the 78th general assembly:
- Benjamin Song
“The Equation attributed to the hegemony of the west no longer resonates with the diverse realities of today’s world. The former old liberal order catering to the ambitions of the racist rulers whose hunger has no end and to that of the capitalists has been relegated to obsolescence. In short, to endeavour to universalize American ideals throughout the world has proven to be failures.”
- Ebrahim Raisi, Ibid
The Question for Evan Dyer
“Why can people accept that some countries are ‘bad’ countries where this happens to people in Africa and Asia, but [can’t accept that this happens to] people from our countries [because they] are from ‘perfect’, or ‘good’ countries? That, to me…Is that not racist, is that not prejudiced? That countries from Africa can do this to people who are writers? That people in Asia could do this to someone who has written books?... But it can’t happen in Canada?” - Eleanor Wong interview (36:58-37:30)
This question can be directed especially to Evan Dyer, the pro-colonial mouthpiece for NATO at CBC, who found himself shamelessly spouting these same supremacist epithets in declassified email exchanges, revealed by The Canada Files:
“Canadians are not familiar with these kinds of restrictions. Despite your assertion, you will not be able to point to a single case where Canada has exiled or excluded a Canadian Citizen; not for posting comments on Facebook, not for any other act including the most grievous crimes. All Canadian citizens, including ISIS members who destroyed their Canadian passports and declared war on this country, have an automatic right to enter it at will, no exceptions.” - Evan Dyer
And the coup de grace, the last line, cementing Evan Dyer’s prejudice in the history books:
“Your email is incorrect from start to finish and illuminates nothing other than your authoritarian sympathies.”
The “Western Democracy” Question and people like Eleanor
To the general public reading this article, and having to wrestle with Eleanor’s question, reality must begin to set in. The neo-liberal model, which was the logical conclusion of capitalist ideology under the liberal democratic framework, only had the ‘rights and freedoms’ as its winning argument, because it was failing to address social issues in every other area, where the socialist and anti-colonial societies are succeeding.
But in these last few years, the mask of liberal democracy has been fully taken off. If the unfortunate truth of the fundamental repressive nature of all states, including liberal democracies, gets propagated, the ‘moral authority’ to sanction and harass alternative economic models is lost.
If that moral authority is gone, and liberal democracy, the smokescreen for free-market capitalism, turns out to be inferior to the planned economy in every other aspect, then the only thing maintaining the liberal democratic system will be the continued persecution of individuals such as Eleanor.
Eleanor’s condition is something, above all, that must be remembered. Eleanor is a 74-year-old woman with no access to health care, due to her effectively stateless status. That means no access to proper medication or adequate medical care. She is vulnerable, unable to earn a living, and quite frankly, far too old to even be asked to do so. Her family and friends have been cut off from her, and due to the Canadian consulate’s cruelty, have had to mail support to her in an incredibly dangerous manner: through regular mail.
Wong has also been psychologically tormented, which has weakened her physically and already subjected her to injuries. Wong should be supported, and shown that she is not alone.
TCF’s video interview with Eleanor Wong, on our Youtube channel
Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country's only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We've provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019, and need your support.
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Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.
He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.
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