Exclusive: Leak Shows Celebration of Nationalist Political Violence in Alberta Youth Separatist League
Photo: Alberta Separatist Youth League logo
Written by: Morgana Adby
The Fast Facts and a Few Quotes of Importance
Recently, a leak from a Telegraph group demonstrated that Alberta Separatist Youth League may be building on a rocky foundation of paleo-nationalism. Or, if you read into the logs we have transcribed, you can even see overt celebration of Nazi ideology.
This is like any other activism group, a friendly gang of lads just trying to represent their geographic interest. Except for the hateful content. This article contains content some may find disturbing, careful discretion advised from this point on.
One image stands out: a snapchat selfie of a user Alberta Revolution holding a knife over his head, captioned “POV: it’s 1934 and your nose is too fucking big.”
At one point, Alberta Revolution writes: “I think the NDP will beat the ucp first but the separatists will win a majority. Independence will take us at least two more election cycles….That’s why all those Groypers who ride Sloan’s dick are retarded [Sic!]. Canada’s biggest Groyper is also Asian, so that really demonstrates how cucked this country is lmao.”
User Mike Literus sends a picture of a white can labeled “Blood” in black writing. He calls it “Official beverage”. Alberta Revolution responds “With a side of children’s genitalia… (((Our greatest beverage))).”
In another comment he says “The guy from stormfront and a friend” will be joining the group.
More generally, the group expresses disdain for communists, libertarians, diabled people, overweight people, Indians with the name makepeace (although that actually is an English name), women, humanities studies, queer people and racialized people.
For example, when one user posts an article about an Argentinian professor that made a bet that one could not find a poor Jew, the consensus is immediately affirmative. The antisemitism is very overt and casually peppered throughout the chat.
Regarding general positive attitudes towards political violence, there is a celebration of imagery toward the deaths of communists: images of hanged communists in Germany during the third reich.
One user, Ernest Alberklien was also disgusted by libertarians, and maybe even the concept of pluralism to some degree. This is not an exaggeration. For example, “I would rather be ruled by a heavy handed monarch with virtue than a democracy that votes for gibs. Hell, I’d honestly rather live in a commie craphole.”
He goes on to develop his reasoning, “On my personal political hierarchy, libretarian fuckwads are at rock bottom. Everyone knows commies are retarded [Sic!] but libertarians are austistic. They larp as conservatives then destroy the social framework of the nation, like throwing open the gates of Constanstinopal to the Islamic hoards.”
The rest of the transcript with images below.
It is also worth noting that the group talks about shooting guns together a lot, which is typical for the location and demographics of the chat. What is surprising, is that the group was encouraging a member without a PAL to get a gun anyway.
Disclosure of This Process, What We Will and Will Not Publish, The Credibility and Accuracy of This Leak
We received a leak of many pages of a chat log from an anonymous source, through photos of the logs. We have not been able to verify these logs with a secondary copy to determine the logs, as they are presented to us, are accurate.
Our source provided their account of context, explaining how they came to be a part of the group and many of the public pages and websites they believe to be associated with the group chat. Our source claimed to have the real names of participants in the group chat, and many on the list have released information online that reflects parallels with the group chat we are referencing.
We understand the potential human costs and loss of credibility of potentially falsely attributing quotes if the further investigation shows these logs are misleading. Also, we cannot confirm the ages of those involved and understand that it would be irresponsible to potentially force minors in the spotlight. For that reason, we will not be releasing identifying information, including photographs of participants that sent selfies within the logs. Some first names are featured in photos but are not confirmed to correlate with any usernames or initials referenced.
I have transcribed the logs below using usernames or initials where appropriate. I will be using links to allegedly associated public pages when possible to show photos sent to the group chat when appropriate alongside the media we received.
The public interest in this story is that violent and racialized language may have infiltrated Alberta independence spaces, not the unconfirmed identities of individuals involved.
Based on this uncertainty, we contacted Sam Bell, the user labeled SB: he confirmed his position in the league and made the statement below.
Sam Bell’s Response
When I asked whether Sam Bell could confirm that he was a part of the Telegraph group chat with the other usernames. I sent him some of the more unsavoury sections of the messages transcribed.
He responded, “There was an unofficial telegraph group chat I was a part of, which was not exclusive to members of ASYL, and which I believe was abused by infiltrators and provocateurs. I am not actually sure who created the group chat, but I joined after its establishment.”
He is correct that there is at least one infiltrator: this is a leak after all. However, it appears from the plain text, and from other investigations that most of the people in the group chat knew each other in real life. Also, almost every user partook in a similarly distasteful language.
Sam Bell also said in a written statement, “I have not read the entirety of the telegraph group chat, and cannot corroborate whether this is accurate or inaccurate. But I would like to comment that as one of the leaders of this organization, by default it falls under my responsibility to moderate group discussions and to facilitate them in a healthy manner. I was derelict in my responsibility to maintain fruitful, healthy discussions and to guide it away from any and all forms of what may be considered inappropriate. I was also derelict in my responsibility to moderate who was being admitted into the group chat, as folks were being added willy nilly. I, being the only person in the group chat with his real name visible, was unprepared for the inappropriateness of some of the comments."
I asked Sam Bell to personally confirm his involvement before including his full name in this article, but that does not mean that this was an anonymous 4Chan board. People often called each other by first names, and it is clear that participants were familiar with one another.
Sam Bell also made the claim it was all just jokes. “ASYL wholeheartedly condemns all forms of hatred and bigotry, and any content that could be regarded as such, I would perhaps consider personally as members/non members “joking around and having a gamer moment” or perhaps young men embracing a darker sense of humour in these tumultuous times. I have no reason to think that any negative comments were serious, as there is a large level of irony and nuance behind many of the seemingly simple memes and comments.”
So is it just jokes, or did it make Sam Bell so uncomfortable he could not bear to tell his boys not to joke about killing communists, sexually assaulting women, and the holocaust?
Despite Sam Bell’s disavowment of Groypers and claim that all Fuentes influence is a result of provocateurs, he engaged with the same language towards white nationalism.
When discussing a 3D printer, one user jokingly advises making 3D Groypers to put on their flags. Sam Bell responds, “3D Groyper haha based and ah fair enough. Well, I suppose professionally casted imperial owl eagles are a bit out of our budget for now.”
If you are not familiar with the slang, based means approval.
Strangely, the group seems very concerned about how they look despite disregarding any attempts to refrain from slurs and hateful imagery. Following one discussion on a meme about protecting their people, user Sloth_R writes, “Optics!” He is mocked a bit by Ernest Alberklien, “haz sum optics,’ and responds “I’ve seen wooden doors and wooden windows with better optics.”
These sorts of discussions go on throughout. One member, Alberta Revolution seems to have the nickname Optikuk, as in a cuck for optics. It seems there is a level of self awareness within the group that Sam Bell may not personally exhibit.
The Logs As We Received Them Transcribed
Note: I have left in poor spelling, grammar, as well as slang and slurs to my greatest accuracy. This may be a disturbing read for some audiences, discretion advised. The PDF with referenced images is placed here.
Ernest Aberklien: Ok Thanks!
TR: Right-arm
Mike Literus: Image of soldiers in a video game, with the red flower of the Alberta advantage party, edited onto the soldier’s coats. The description, Remember Good Optics. (Image 1).
Alberta Revolution: Jesus Christ but true
Ernest Aberklien: Gotta get an aesthetic bullet spray pattern.
Canadian Classic-Original: Size Large for this guy, with a side of commie blood.
Ernest Aberklien: You’ll have to kill one yourself. We can provide shot glasses for it, though.
Alberta Revolution: Aight boys Saturday the 18th at 6:30 in red deer will be our first meetup. Location still to be dropped but it is happening. Tell your friends and copatriots who might want to check us out.
KingVelvetta 1st: The Ok hand signal Emoji.
TR: Fuck yeah the Rock On hand signal Emoji.
Sloth_R: Sounds good the Thumbs Up Emoji.
Slim Lahey: Sounds good, and I’m extra large
Alberta Revolution: Meme featuring stick men doing political violence captioned, Hospitalize Your Local Antifa Scumbag. (Image 2).
Ernest Alberklien: Bet they jerk off to the thought of having a boot in their balls anyway.
Ernest Alberklien: Can’t wait to cancel those freaks.
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of a twitter page. The twitter page is of a self-proclaimed jewish socialist activist.
Alberta Revolution: Every time
Sloth_R: I’m sure communism will work this time, the others were not either Clown Emoji
Alberta Revolution: If you haven’t already please go to nationalistyouth.com and buy your membership officially so we can get you your stuff
Sloth_R: The Office Meme featuring a character confirming the NDP and United Conservative Party are the same. (Image 3).
Alberta Revolution: Post’s an image of a loose-leaf paper titled Who Owe’s Us with four names. (Image 4).
Alberta Revolution: This is who owes currently. Will be adding new members shortly
Mike Literus: Posts a meme about his people featuring the red flower and associated Alberta separatist imagery. (Image 5).
Sloth_R: Love it
Alberta Revolution: Optics level=Basediating the Alberta NDP with Communism. One can also be found on the Public Alberta Youth Separatists Facebook page here.(Image 6).
Sloth_R: Two Laughing Emojis beautiful
Ernest Alberklien: Posts the above meme Orange Is The New Red, but with a different font.
Ernest Alberklien: Here is a version with Sorbet Onion style text.
KingVelvetta 1st: Looks fucking mint man the Ok hand signal Emoji.
Alberta Revolution: will look nice placed on noteys office with a few anti com stickers
Ernest Alberklien: Posts an image of Rachel Notley smiling against a transparent background.
Ernest Alberklien: For y’all to meme around with.
Ernest Alberklien: Commies just aren’t the same without the pantsuit…
Alberta Revolution: “You see Murdoch chan the pantsuit has a long history of issuing in progressive values
Ernest Alberklien: The Ok hand signal Emoji.
Sloth_R: Optics!
Alberta Revolution: Optics when I add normies to the chat
Sloth_R: Oh boi!
Ernest Alberklien: Posts the following image of metal objects. (Image 7).
Ernest Alberklien: Haz sum Optics. Make satisfied.
Sloth_R: I’ve seen wooden doors and wooden windows with better optics.
Alberta Revolution: Posts a Pepe Militia Meme. (Image 8).
Alberta Revolution: Just here to clean up the trash
Alberta Revolution: Uh-uh-op-optics
Ernest Alberklien: Huzzah! Optics Cuck Prariejogger is here to save us from ourselves!
Alberta Revolution: Is my name still prariejogger
Ernest Alberklien: Nope.
Alberta Revolution: That is terrible optics I should change it
Alberta Revolution: Oh good fuck
Sloth_R: Very bad
Alberta Revolution: Been talking to normies on this today
Ernest Alberklien: It’s Optic Cuck’s first week…
Sloth_R: Posts a screenshot image of a news article titled Argentinian professor offers a bonus to “whoever can find a poor Jew”. (Image 9).
Alberta Revolution: U can’t
Sloth_R: International bankers always have money
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of a twitter post about the deficit under liberal leadership. (Image 10).
Alberta Revolution: Ik this is boomer tier but it really puts in perspective how out of control the liberals are
Alberta Revolution: The funniest thing would be to separate and let them pay the entire debt off themselves
KingVelvetta 1st: That would be the best-case scenario
Sloth_R: We have already paid plenty in equalization!
Mike Literus: I can’t wait until my people can refer to Canada as the “old country”
Earnest Aberklien: That’ll be an awesome day.
SB: Sup lads!
Ernest Aberklien: The debt.
Alberta Revolution: Posts a meme featuring “this loyal son of a bitch”. (Image 11).
KingVelvetta 1st: Two laughing Emojis perfect
Alberta Revolution: An image of a texting conversation, referencing Hawaiian shirts, their lack of foreskin and “Jew Vibes”. (Image 12).
SB: Posts a tweet about boys being valid. (Image 13).
SB: You boys are VALID
Ernest Alberklien: Who’s coming on Saturday to Red Deer?
Ernest Alberklien: Posts an image of stickers for the group, featuring the red flower symbol.
Ernest Alberklien: We can haz le stickers.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts another image of stickers, from an angle showing how they stack. (Image 14).
Earnest Alberklien: Lots of le stickers…
TR: Ohh baby those look good
KingVelvetta 1st: They look amazing two Thumbs Up hand signal Emojis
Alberta Revolution: Some non-members will be coming eli
Ernest Alberklien: Cool. Just add them to the Guest List.
Alberta Revolution: The guy from stormfront and a friend
Alberta Revolution: Too
Ernest Alberklien: Right now we’re setting the sticker price to $3 (they’re 3” in diameter). The ones that are going to be used at poster drop events are free, of course.
Ernest Alberklien: K, gotcha
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of a cartoon cop. (Image 15.)
Ernest Alberklien: Love that
Alberta Revolution: Fuck optics nigga [Sic!] we going HARD R
Alberta Revolution: We must secure a future for Albertans
Alberta Revolution: Jk
Ernest Alberklien: You know it, Optikuk
Alberta Revolution: Are y’all coming this Friday?
Slim Layhey: I thought you said Saturday?
Alberta Revolution: Fuck that’s what I mean
Alberta Revolution: SATURDAY
Slim Layhey: Hell yeah brother I’ll be there
Ernest Alberklien: He was saying “the day after Friday”, but (((they))) edited his comment.
Sloth_R: Best believe my boys
Alberta Revolution: Ok reservation set for 5:00 pm at one eleven grill in red deer on Saturday the 18th
Sloth_R: Sounds good
KingVelvetta 1st: I’ll be there
Alberta Revolution: Optics guys
JA: Hello kings
Ernest Albertklien: Howdy howdy Smiling face Emoji
Alberta Revolution: Good to hear we have another one on board. Lots of the others haven’t gotten Telegram yet.
SB: Howdy Red Emoji with a Capital A and B printed in white.
Alberta Revolution: We organize here, drop propaganda, memes, and etc
Alberta Revolution: Where did you hear from us?
JA: Berta Bois the B in both words are replaced with red Emoji with a capital B printed in white.
JA: I saw you guys on Facebook
JA: Wexit group
Alberta Revolution: Ahhh awesome. There’s also three Groypers on twitter hounding me didn’t know if that’s who you were
JA: Nah I don’t have Twitter
JA: Well used to, until I got zucced
Alberta Revolution: Post cowboy Pepe meme. (Image 16)
Alberta Revolution: Yet we ride on brother to victory
JA: Anyone else follow rightwingism on IG?
Alberta Revolution: No but is this his twitter by chance?
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of some twitter handles.
JA: Rightwingism Alberta and Rightwingism are different, although Rightwingism started off in Calgary iirc
JA: instagram.com/rightwingism
Alberta Revolution: Ahh looks based I’ll drop a follow
Alberta Revolution: Not surprised. Alberta seems to have a lot of mad lads here.
JA: Their merch is based af
Ernest Alberklien: I heard MAGA has based merch as well. Alberta Revolution: >MAGA
Alberta Revolution: Wdym
Ernest Alberklien: Make Alberta Great Again on Facebook
Ernest Alberklien: The dude that runs it is pretty based, but a bit edgy.
Alberta Revolution: And Josh our first meeting will be 5:00 pm, Saturday at the eleven steakhouse
Alberta Revolution: Occasionally posts hitler quotes
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, that guy needs better optics.
JA: Optics 4/10
Alberta Revolution: Laughing Emoji
Alberta Revolution: To be fair he didn’t know it was
Alberta Revolution: Reposts The Most Important Possession Is Your Own People meme.
Alberta Revolution: MAGA man didn’t know where this quote came from
Ernest Aberklien: That’s a pretty good quote. Pretty based. But he has to get an F in optics.
JA: It’s like when the lefties pull that Marx quote over a picture of Raegan and all the boomers fell for it
Ernest Aberklien: That’s on a whole ‘nother level XD
Alberta Revolution: Reposts The NDP is Not Your Friend meme featuring Rachel Notley and Communist historical leaders.
JA: I’ll see if I can find it
Ernest Aberklien: Now that’s a based poster.
Ernest Aberklien: No optics issues here.
Alberta Revolution: Were you on Tik Tok for the great war Josh?
JA: Posts the meme that “tricked boomers”. (Image 17.)
Alberta Revolution: Cringe
Ernest Aberklien: Yeah, that’s definitely Marx.
JA: Boomers ate it up
JA: Reagan was pretty cringe anyway
Alberta Revolution: When I look through our fb comments flooded with boomer comments I die a little each time
Ernest Aberklien: You should send it to the Boomer who runs MAGA and see if he’ll post it.
Alberta Revolution: Yeah big amnesty guy.
Alberta Revolution: >Sam
Alberta Revolution: Our one founder runs MAGA he’s lurking rn
SB: You weebs have to stop telling people I posted hitler cringe
Alberta Revolution: It wasn’t cringe
SB: Lmao
Alberta Revolution: Just not optical
SB: I like Marx’s quote
SB: And I liked Hitler’s quote
JA: Posts an image of a statue featuring “Love your land.” (Image 18.)
Ernest Aberklien: My face hurts from smiling too hard. Imma resume my resting b’ face.
Alberta Revolution: You will never live in a world Pat Buchanan stopped the cultural degradation of the west
Alberta Revolution: Where*
Ernest Aberklien: Yuck. Black pills.
Ernest Aberklien: Leave it for the… uh…
Alberta Revolution: Up to us now fella
Ernest Aberklien: Dang rightz
Alberta Revolution: I am going to bed now. Wait for these other fucks to email me back. We might have more than 20 come Saturday so hopefully, they have room for us.
JA: Posts image of a tank captioned “Freedom isn’t free.”
SB: Night lads. Cheers! Glad to have ya Josh
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of three militia member, one is holding a tiki torch. Captioned, “SOON”.
JA: Night Sam!
JA: Posts a meme “man cannot recreate himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor”.
JA: We need some more Albertawave
JA: If there’s one thing I can’t stand its right-wing weebs
JA: Or just weebs in general
Ernest Alberklien: +10 Respect
JA: But right-wing weebs make us look like a bunch of fags [Sic!]
Ernest Aberklien: Yeah I’d rather leave the tentacle porn to the leftist man babies.
JA: Posts an image of a fursuit with a red armband with a white circle around a black paw print.
JA: Bruh moment
Ernest Alberklien: Alright, I am going to go head off for tonight. Nice to meet you, Josh!
JA: Nice to meet ya too
SB: Posts a meme featuring a positive outlook of Canada being on stolen land. (Image 19).
Ernest Alberklien: That’s even more based.
Ernest Alberklien: I approve of both.
Alberta Revolution: More cowbell
Ernest Alberklien: Optikuk isn’t having any of it, Sam. Better fire your Chief Quote Poster and Meme Specialist.
Alberta Revolution: Posts a meme where The Bell Curve is modified to appear as a Nick Fuentes version. (Image 20).
Alberta Revolution: Posts a photo of a random citizen.
Alberta Revolution: Why does every Reddit atheist look like this?
Ernest Alberklien: Because they’re all selfish pricks who overeat when they’re depressed ‘cause they cant pray about it.
Ernest Alberklien: The only kind of person who would tear down the metanarrative that gave him such a great life lives in Mommy’s basement and gets everything for free.
Alberta Revolution: Well it’s like half the guys here are atheists but at least we respect our ancestor’s culture and religion
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, absolutely
Ernest Alberklien: Our people’s metanarrative comes first.
Ernest Alberklien: Which is why we don’t frikken blog about it.
JA: Posts another meme about how Reddit atheists are ugly, a random citizen is featured. \
JA: Reddit moment\
KingVelvetta 1st: Two laughing Emojis. \
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of him getting a call from the “Based department”. \
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of a Daily Wire article on Terry Crews advocating to “Defund Pornhub”.\
Alberta Revolution: /our guy/ \
Alberta Revolution: Amazing to see how much hate rational black people get in the states.
JA: Posts a frame in a Christian comic. (Image 21).
Alberta Revolution: Posts a meme featuring Sir Anthony the Great. (Image 22).
Alberta Revolution: It’s almost like Christians knew what was up all along Thoughtful Emoji with hand on chin\
Alberta Revolution: Posts a twitter thread of a black man making an argument for reparations and a response from another user saying to “get a job. No reparations.”
Alberta Revolution: Every day I fight the urge to blow my brains out when I go on twitter
Alberta Revolution: Reparations would cost over 4 quandrillion btw
Alberta Revolution: Like what a number
Mike Literus: no thanks i already have a lifetime N word pass
Alberta Revolution: Reposts the “Remember good optics” meme.
JA: Radlib twitter is something else man
Alberta Revolution: Man is it ever.
Alberta Revolution: We definitely face a goliath in this battle
JA: Tankie twitter is worse though
Alberta Revolution: Worse is tank is Twitter has been getting bigger
Alberta Revolution: When you look at NDP twitter there’s tons of tankies
JA: People tend to radicalize in times of economic uncertainty
Alberta Revolution: I can see that. It’s all the radicalization over the social issues I don’t understand
Alberta Revolution: I can understand why a person would want a more socialist economy
Alberta Revolution: But I can’t understand why people think drag queen story hour is alright
JA: If tankies cared less about social issues they would actually get somewhere
Alberta Revolution: But if you listen to Yuri Bezhemov they’ve been seeding cultural Marxism in the west since the 60’s
JA: Working-class Joe doesn’t give a fuck about black trannies [Sic!]
Alberta Revolution: I agree, I myself are left on a lot of economic issues. But like I said I don’t want to see the downfall of my people and cultural just for some workers rights
JA: He just wants to get aid and grill
Alberta Revolution: That’s why we have a real chance to hijack the conservative narrative here and transform it into a more populist system. Benefiting Joe and not some foreigners or big corporations
Alberta Revolution: Atleast before demographics catch up we have to. Or else its radicalization mode
JA: I came from the left so I definitely get where you’re coming from. My economic views have stayed left of center, my other views definitely went more rightwing.
JA: I used to browse /leftypol/ a lot
Alberta Revolution: POL is just Magtards, negro [Sic!] larpers, reddit fags [Sic!], lolbertarians and commies now. Sad. Only a few nationalists now it seems like
Alberta Revolution: What redpilled you
Ernest Alberklien: My favourite special program is free helicopter rides for socialists Upside-down Smile Emoji
Alberta Revolution: You are also +300000 quandrents right
JA: Started with the Nazbols of /leftypol/ then I found Fuentes after that
Ernest Alberklien: The socialists pretend they have a monopoly on compassion. Not so. There is no empathy in assigning people a number and throwing money at the, essentially making them dependent slaves. New Social Credit solves the root problems that keep the less fortunate down, for good.
Ernest Alberklien: I’ll have to talk to you about Nazbols sometime. Never been able to wrap my head around their ideology.
JA: They bizarre for sure. They’re pretty similar to strassorites
Ernest Alberklien: Le yuck.
JA: Best memes though
JA: Sends an image of Jesus captioned “I came not to bring peace but a sword”.
Alberta Revolution: Fuentes could tone it down on the Israel rhetoric. Not that he’s wrong but for someone that cares about optics so much it’s kinda funny.
JA: Its also good to have a way to convert lefties, since Lefties also hate Israel
JA: For different reasons, but still
JA: Posts an image captioned “hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times”.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts an image of more merchandise, this time featuring “Let the Eastern bastards freeze in the dark!” (Image 22).
JA: Based alert
Alberta Revolution: Eli are we advertising those
Ernest Alberklien: Yep! $5 each.
JA: Is there going to be some on Sunday?
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, I’ll bring them. And you mean Saturday :)
JA: Yeah sorry lol
Alberta Revolution: also if you have t bought a membership yet you can bring cash for Eli this Saturday
Mike Literus: Posts a meme featuring “#weareallgay #wearealltrans”. (Image 23)
Ernest Alberklien: More truthful words have never been spoken.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts a meme featuring a child representing the federal government investigating gunfire. (Image 24).
JA: Also, some commie cringe to start your day Sunglasses, followed by Thumbs-up Emoji
SB: Posts a twitter post by a disability activist arguing that there is no moral imperative to work and that non-workers still deserve basic commodities and human rights.
SB: Doubling up on that cringe.
SB: Posts a poster for the nationalist youth webpage. (Image 25).
JA: How does one win the culture war
JA: Other than shitposting and getting zuccced on IG
Ernest Alberklien: By implementing a carefully thought out strategic plan that involves social activism and political subversion Ok hand signal Emoji.
JA: So basically slowly redpilling folks
Ernest Alberklien: That’s one of the methods.
Ernest Alberklien: The other method is to be a bull in a China shop that’s sneaky and calculating.
JA: Posts a link to Nick Fuentes talking about merit-based immigration.
JA: It’s already happening
SB: Posts a photo of unsigned paperwork.
SB: Application for incorporation as a league is printed and ready to be signed. Progress!
JA: Lets gooooo
JA: What does it mean as a league though? Kind of like a youth wing?
SB: Its filed under the societies act, League’s definition is: a collection of people, countries or groups that combine for a particular purpose. An association of individuals having a common goal
SB: Essentially, we are the youth wing of the separatist movement, but we’re independent as an entity.
JA: Gotcha
SB: Yee Yee boys y’all off work??? I just got off
TR: I just got off as well
Ernest Alberklien: I never stop working Winking Emoji
Ernest Alberklien: sends an image of what appears to be a 3D printer.
Ernest Alberklien: I is 3D print-a-nating.
JA: Is that yours?
Ernest Alberklien: A friend and I built it from scratch. It’s 2.5’ by 2.5’ by 3.5’
JA: Beautiful
JA: Make a business out of it
Ernest Alberklien: Pfft. Nah. My friend can sell it if he wants.
Ernest Alberklien: I gave him the drawings and schematics for everything.
Ernest Alberklien: It’s about $4000 cheaper than anything its size. It cost us $300 for everything.
Ernest Alberklien: $110 for electronics, $190 for the aluminum and hardware. We 3D printed all the bearing mounts.
Ernest Alberklien: (Red and dark grey parts)
SB: That’s actually so sick. Think you could print some caps for the flag sticks out of something gold coloured? Maybe like our national bird the owl in a gold colour to shove onto the tips of the flag things
SB: Like little imperial Albertan gold birds or something idk
Ernest Alberklien: I’d have to buy gold filament.
Ernest Alberklien: I could 3D print mold negative with styrene then try to cast one
SB: So it’s doable… sick. How complicated is gold filament to procure
Ernest Alberklien: Out of bronze or whatever. Its easy.
SB: That would be sick!
SB: Do you think it would be nice on the flags? Or too much?
JA: 3D Groyper
Ernest Alberklien: Nah, I’d prefer to professionally cast ones. 3D printing has awful finishing quality.
SB: 3D Groyper haha based and ah fair enough. Well, I suppose professionally casted imperial owl eagles are a bit out of our budget for now
Alberta Revolution: 3D catboy please
JA: posts a link to armbands with Deutch nationalists farmers logo.
JA: So fucking crisp.
Earnest Alberklien: Optics cuck is always on point.
Alberta Revolution: What’s that Josh
SB: Mm that’s a gooder what countries that from
SB: Sweden?
JA: Logo of Dutch Nationalist Farmers
SB: I like it
Alberta Revolution: Based farmers
JA: The Dutch can be pretty based sometimes
JA: FvD is starting to gain traction over there
Alberta Revolution: Posts two new user contact for the website. The last name is of one is Makepeace.
Alberta Revolution: A fake and an Indian
Alberta Revolution: Makepeace has to be an Indian name right
JA: Its English I think
JA: Lemme check
JA: Sends a link to Wikipedia article on Makepeace family name.
SB: Giuseppsie is my bud from instagram and Kaden make peace idk
Alberta Revolution: Ahh I see. Does Guiseppsie wanna join or what. People always click the join and never buy a membership
JA: Guilty
JA: I’ll bring cash on Saturday
Alberta Revolution: It’s fine I just don’t know if they want to passively support or join so I end up emailing a bunch of people that tend to be random boomer sign ups
JA: The facebook page in nutshell
Alberta Revolution: Pretty much
Alberta Revolution: Eli u show these guys the coats we got em
Earnest Alberklien: I can, yeah, they should be sending me a sample soon
SB: Posts a meme about people ignoring Alberta Separatism. (Image 26).
JA: The UCP is getting cucked from both ends
SB: They are indeed. Notley’s calling him out for being soft on separatism and he’s like guuuyys I’m a proud Canadian lol caught being a cuck either way
Alberta Revolution: UCP legislators will have to embrace separatism or be voted out. It’s that simple.
JA: They’re between a rock and a hard place. Condemn separatism, and they lose the separatist vote. (lets be honest they already have). Embrace separatism and they lose a good chunk of the moderate vote
JA: I feel like Kenny’s long term goal is head of the CPC, and he’s only gonna do that if he avoids separatism
JA: Here’s my theory as to what will happen
JA: 1) Federal Liberals call for snap election next year. Get the majority because of the rally around the leader effect.
JA: 2) Separatism will increase in popularity in the west because Trudeau will keep cucking them.
JA: 3) WIP in Alberta will surge in popularity, and win a minority government with UCP backing, if not outright majority. Referendum, then independence.
Alberta Revolution: Good thing federal conservatives will never win again :D you can’t coexist in a 60% leftist country. Plus the CPC is full of red Tories. Like Sloan is good but how do you expect him to win when Scheer couldn’t?
JA: And that’s the problem. If they want to win, they are going to need to clear the 60% of leftists in this country, which is why they’re pushing so hard to go left. It’s why Peter “The Red” Mckay is leading in the polls rn
Alberta Revolution: I think the NDP will beat the ucp first but the separatists will win a majority. Independence will take us at least two more election cycles.
Alberta Revolution: Exactly bro
Alberta Revolution: That’s why all those Groypers who ride Sloan’s dick are retarded [Sic!].
Alberta Revolution: >Canada’s biggest Groyper is also Asian, so that really demonstrates how cucked this country is lmao
JA: Self hating… uh… Finance graduates :)
JA: I’ve considered moving to Poland/ Hungary/Serbia at least they are not totally cucked
Alberta Revolution: Alberta and Sask are the two youngest, whitest, and fastest-growing provinces. We need to hijack them and create a new nationalist west
Alberta Revolution: So much potential here too
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah. In the 2027 provincial election, we’ll probably have an IPA government Upside down Smile Emoji
Alberta Revolution: Hopefully they are united by then
Ernest Alberklien: Hopefully they’re not libertarian cucks like WIPA, or else unity will never happen.
Alberta Revolution: We just need to kill all the libertarians on the independence boards
Ernest Alberklien: Nor will separation
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah
JA: All conservative parties need to be united to win against the NDP
Ernest Alberklien: WIPA needs to stop being Dereks B****.
Alberta Revolution: We just need urban conservatives to embrace separatism. The rural ones already have.
Earnest Alberklien: Don’t worry about the NDP
JA: No it wouldn’t. The “”Canadians”” and gonna hop on Notley’s dick to get more free stuff
Ernest Alberklien: Albertans, psychologically, would not have any tolerance for that. They literally created the first one-term wonder government in our history
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, and that’s exactly what we want.
Ernest Alberklien: That would kill them
Ernest Alberklien: Like the NDP government.
JA: The last time the left was in power before that was the UFA I think
Ernest Alberklien: The UFA was hardly left
JA: The problem with Calgary/Edmonton conservatives. They don’t give a fuck about immigration, as long as they can keep grilling (Bitumin) they’ll be happy
JA: UFA was old school left, which doesn’t really exist anymore. Before all the liberal shit started flowing in
JA: UFA merged with the CCF, which would eventually turn into the NDP
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, but Edward “Deep Cuts” Browniee was as righty tighty as they come.
Ernest Alberklien: I’m no fan of Tommy… Or the “Old left” . They’re the bumbling cretins that set the stage for Cultural Marxism to develop
Ernest Alberklien: No matter your intentions, if you strain the social metanarrative you’re going to end up hurting something anyway.
JA: No doubt. They should have been nipped in the bud, back when it was actually acceptable to do so
JA: Do it today, and you’ll get called a racist and get cancelled
Ernest Alberklien: I would rather be ruled by a heavy handed monarch with virtue than a democracy that votes for gibs. Hell, I’d honestly rather live in a commie craphole.
Ernest Alberklien: On my personal political hierarchy, libretarian fuckwads are at rock bottom. Everyone knows commies are retarded [Sic!] but libertarians are austistic. They larp as conservatives then destroy the social framework of the nation, like throwing open the gates of Constanstinopal to the Islamic hoards.
Ernest Alberklien: Commies are the down syndrome kids in class, libertarians are the ADD kids that terrorize everyone.
JA: Their only redeeming quality is they can be converted
JA: It’s way harder to convert commies
Ernest Alberklien: Not old school ones.
Ernest Alberklien: Putin is a good example.
JA: Posts another meme about how Reddit atheists are ugly, a random citizen is featured.
JA: Reddit moment
KingVelvetta 1st: Two laughing Emojis.
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of him getting a call from the “Based department”.
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image of a Daily Wire article on Terry Crews advocating to “Defund Pornhub”.
Alberta Revolution: /our guy/
Alberta Revolution: Amazing to see how much hate rational black people get in the states.
JA: Posts a frame in a Christian comic. (Image 21).
Alberta Revolution: Posts a meme featuring Sir Anthony the Great. (Image 22).
Alberta Revolution: It’s almost like Christians knew what was up all along Thoughtful Emoji with hand on chin
Alberta Revolution: Posts a twitter thread of a black man making an argument for reparations and a response from another user saying to “get a job. No reparations.”
Alberta Revolution: Every day I fight the urge to blow my brains out when I go on twitter
Alberta Revolution: Reparations would cost over 4 quandrillion btw
Alberta Revolution: Like what a number
Mike Literus: no thanks i already have a lifetime N word pass
Alberta Revolution: Reposts the “Remember good optics” meme.
JA: Radlib twitter is something else man
Alberta Revolution: Man is it ever.
Alberta Revolution: We definitely face a goliath in this battle
JA: Tankie twitter is worse though
Alberta Revolution: Worse is tank is Twitter has been getting bigger
Alberta Revolution: When you look at NDP twitter there’s tons of tankies
JA: People tend to radicalize in times of economic uncertainty
Alberta Revolution: I can see that. It’s all the radicalization over the social issues I don’t understand
Alberta Revolution: I can understand why a person would want a more socialist economy
Alberta Revolution: But I can’t understand why people think drag queen story hour is alright
JA: If tankies cared less about social issues they would actually get somewhere
Alberta Revolution: But if you listen to Yuri Bezhemov they’ve been seeding cultural Marxism in the west since the 60’s
JA: Working-class Joe doesn’t give a fuck about black trannies [Sic!]
Alberta Revolution: I agree, I myself are left on a lot of economic issues. But like I said I don’t want to see the downfall of my people and cultural just for some workers rights
JA: He just wants to get aid and grill
Alberta Revolution: That’s why we have a real chance to hijack the conservative narrative here and transform it into a more populist system. Benefiting Joe and not some foreigners or big corporations
Alberta Revolution: Atleast before demographics catch up we have to. Or else its radicalization mode
JA: I came from the left so I definitely get where you’re coming from. My economic views have stayed left of center, my other views definitely went more rightwing.
JA: I used to browse /leftypol/ a lot
Alberta Revolution: POL is just Magtards, negro [Sic!] larpers, reddit fags [Sic!], lolbertarians and commies now. Sad. Only a few nationalists now it seems like
Alberta Revolution: What redpilled you
Ernest Alberklien: My favourite special program is free helicopter rides for socialists Upside-down Smile Emoji
Alberta Revolution: You are also +300000 quandrents right
JA: Started with the Nazbols of /leftypol/ then I found Fuentes after that
Ernest Alberklien: The socialists pretend they have a monopoly on compassion. Not so. There is no empathy in assigning people a number and throwing money at the, essentially making them dependent slaves. New Social Credit solves the root problems that keep the less fortunate down, for good.
Ernest Alberklien: I’ll have to talk to you about Nazbols sometime. Never been able to wrap my head around their ideology.
JA: They bizarre for sure. They’re pretty similar to strassorites
Ernest Alberklien: Le yuck.
JA: Best memes though
JA: Sends an image of Jesus captioned “I came not to bring peace but a sword”.
Alberta Revolution: Fuentes could tone it down on the Israel rhetoric. Not that he’s wrong but for someone that cares about optics so much it’s kinda funny.
JA: Its also good to have a way to convert lefties, since Lefties also hate Israel
JA: For different reasons, but still
JA: Posts an image captioned “hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times”.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts an image of more merchandise, this time featuring “Let the Eastern bastards freeze in the dark!” (Image 22).
JA: Based alert
Alberta Revolution: Eli are we advertising those
Ernest Alberklien: Yep! $5 each.
JA: Is there going to be some on Sunday?
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, I’ll bring them. And you mean Saturday :)
JA: Yeah sorry lol
Alberta Revolution: also if you have t bought a membership yet you can bring cash for Eli this Saturday
Mike Literus: Posts a meme featuring “#weareallgay #wearealltrans”. (Image 23)
Ernest Alberklien: More truthful words have never been spoken.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts a meme featuring a child representing the federal government investigating gunfire. (Image 24).
JA: Also, some commie cringe to start your day Sunglasses, followed by Thumbs-up Emoji
SB: Posts a twitter post by a disability activist arguing that there is no moral imperative to work and that non-workers still deserve basic commodities and human rights.
SB: Doubling up on that cringe.
SB: Posts a poster for the nationalist youth webpage. (Image 25).
JA: How does one win the culture war
JA: Other than shitposting and getting zuccced on IG
Ernest Alberklien: By implementing a carefully thought out strategic plan that involves social activism and political subversion Ok hand signal Emoji.
JA: So basically slowly redpilling folks
Ernest Alberklien: That’s one of the methods.
Ernest Alberklien: The other method is to be a bull in a China shop that’s sneaky and calculating.
JA: Posts a link to Nick Fuentes talking about merit-based immigration.
JA: It’s already happening
SB: Posts a photo of unsigned paperwork.
SB: Application for incorporation as a league is printed and ready to be signed. Progress!
JA: Lets gooooo
JA: What does it mean as a league though? Kind of like a youth wing?
SB: Its filed under the societies act, League’s definition is: a collection of people, countries or groups that combine for a particular purpose. An association of individuals having a common goal
SB: Essentially, we are the youth wing of the separatist movement, but we’re independent as an entity.
JA: Gotcha
SB: Yee Yee boys y’all off work??? I just got of
TR: I just got off as well
Ernest Alberklien: I never stop working Winking Emoji
Ernest Alberklien: sends an image of what appears to be a 3D printer.
Ernest Alberklien: I is 3D print-a-nating.
JA: Is that yours?
Ernest Alberklien: A friend and I built it from scratch. It’s 2.5’ by 2.5’ by 3.5
JA: Beautiful
JA: Make a business out of it
Ernest Alberklien: Pfft. Nah. My friend can sell it if he wants.
Ernest Alberklien: I gave him the drawings and schematics for everything.
Ernest Alberklien: It’s about $4000 cheaper than anything its size. It cost us $300 for everything.
Ernest Alberklien: $110 for electronics, $190 for the aluminum and hardware. We 3D printed all the bearing mounts.
Ernest Alberklien: (Red and dark grey parts)
SB: That’s actually so sick. Think you could print some caps for the flag sticks out of something gold coloured? Maybe like our national bird the owl in a gold colour to shove onto the tips of the flag thing.
SB: Like little imperial Albertan gold birds or something idk
Ernest Alberklien: I’d have to buy gold filament.
Ernest Alberklien: I could 3D print mold negative with styrene then try to cast one
SB: So it’s doable… sick. How complicated is gold filament to procure
Ernest Alberklien: Out of bronze or whatever. Its easy.
SB: That would be sick!
SB: Do you think it would be nice on the flags? Or too much?
JA: 3D Groyper
Ernest Alberklien: Nah, I’d prefer to professionally cast ones. 3D printing has awful finishing quality.
SB: 3D Groyper haha based and ah fair enough. Well, I suppose professionally casted imperial owl eagles are a bit out of our budget for now
Alberta Revolution: 3D catboy please
JA: posts a link to armbands with Deutch nationalists farmers logo.
JA: So fucking crisp.
Earnest Alberklien: Optics cuck is always on point.
Alberta Revolution: What’s that Josh
SB: Mm that’s a gooder what countries that from
SB: Sweden?
JA: Logo of Dutch Nationalist Farmers
SB: I like it
Alberta Revolution: Based farmers
JA: The Dutch can be pretty based sometimes
JA: FvD is starting to gain traction over there
Alberta Revolution: Posts two new user contact for the website. The last name is of one is Makepeace.
Alberta Revolution: A fake and an Indian
Alberta Revolution: Makepeace has to be an Indian name right
JA: Its English I think
JA: Lemme check
JA: Sends a link to Wikipedia article on Makepeace family name.
SB: Giuseppsie is my bud from instagram and Kaden make peace idk
Alberta Revolution: Ahh I see. Does Guiseppsie wanna join or what. People always click the join and never buy a membership
JA: Guilty
JA: I’ll bring cash on Saturday
Alberta Revolution: It’s fine I just don’t know if they want to passively support or join so I end up emailing a bunch of people that tend to be random boomer sign ups
JA: The facebook page in nutshell
Alberta Revolution: Pretty much
Alberta Revolution: Eli u show these guys the coats we got em
Earnest Alberklien: I can, yeah, they should be sending me a sample soon
SB: Posts a meme about people ignoring Alberta Separatism. (Image 26).
JA: The UCP is getting cucked from both ends
SB: They are indeed. Notley’s calling him out for being soft on separatism and he’s like guuuyys I’m a proud Canadian lol caught being a cuck either way
Alberta Revolution: UCP legislators will have to embrace separatism or be voted out. It’s that simple.
JA: They’re between a rock and a hard place. Condemn separatism, and they lose the separatist vote. (lets be honest they already have). Embrace separatism and they lose a good chunk of the moderate vote
JA: I feel like Kenny’s long term goal is head of the CPC, and he’s only gonna do that if he avoids separatism
JA: Here’s my theory as to what will happen
JA: 1) Federal Liberals call for snap election next year. Get the majority because of the rally around the leader effect.
JA: 2) Separatism will increase in popularity in the west because Trudeau will keep cucking them.
JA: 3) WIP in Alberta will surge in popularity, and win a minority government with UCP backing, if not outright majority. Referendum, then independence.
Alberta Revolution: Good thing federal conservatives will never win again :D you can’t coexist in a 60% leftist country. Plus the CPC is full of red Tories. Like Sloan is good but how do you expect him to win when Scheer couldn’t?
JA: And that’s the problem. If they want to win, they are going to need to clear the 60% of leftists in this country, which is why they’re pushing so hard to go left. It’s why Peter “The Red” Mckay is leading in the polls rn
Alberta Revolution: I think the NDP will beat the ucp first but the separatists will win a majority. Independence will take us at least two more election cycles.
Alberta Revolution: Exactly bro
Alberta Revolution: That’s why all those Groypers who ride Sloan’s dick are retarded [Sic!].
Alberta Revolution: >Canada’s biggest Groyper is also Asian, so that really demonstrates how cucked this country is lmao
JA: Self hating… uh… Finance graduates :)
JA: I’ve considered moving to Poland/ Hungary/Serbia at least they are not totally cucked
Alberta Revolution: Alberta and Sask are the two youngest, whitest, and fastest-growing provinces. We need to hijack them and create a new nationalist west
Alberta Revolution: So much potential here too
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah. In the 2027 provincial election, we’ll probably have an IPA government Upside down Smile Emoji
Alberta Revolution: Hopefully they are united by then
Ernest Alberklien: Hopefully they’re not libertarian cucks like WIPA, or else unity will never happen.
Alberta Revolution: We just need to kill all the libertarians on the independence boards
Ernest Alberklien: Nor will separation
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah
JA: All conservative parties need to be united to win against the NDP
Ernest Alberklien: WIPA needs to stop being Dereks B****.
Alberta Revolution: We just need urban conservatives to embrace separatism. The rural ones already have.
Earnest Alberklien: Don’t worry about the NDP
JA: No it wouldn’t. The “”Canadians”” and gonna hop on Notley’s dick to get more free stuff
Ernest Alberklien: Albertans, psychologically, would not have any tolerance for that. They literally created the first one-term wonder government in our history
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, and that’s exactly what we want.
Ernest Alberklien: That would kill them
Ernest Alberklien: Like the NDP government.
JA: The last time the left was in power before that was the UFA I think
Ernest Alberklien: The UFA was hardly left
JA: The problem with Calgary/Edmonton conservatives. They don’t give a fuck about immigration, as long as they can keep grilling (Bitumin) they’ll be happy
JA: UFA was old school left, which doesn’t really exist anymore. Before all the liberal shit started flowing in
JA: UFA merged with the CCF, which would eventually turn into the NDP
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, but Edward “Deep Cuts” Browniee was as righty tighty as they come.
Ernest Alberklien: I’m no fan of Tommy… Or the “Old left” . They’re the bumbling cretins that set the stage for Cultural Marxism to develop
Ernest Alberklien: No matter your intentions, if you strain the social metanarrative you’re going to end up hurting something anyway.
JA: No doubt. They should have been nipped in the bud, back when it was actually acceptable to do so
JA: Do it today, and you’ll get called a racist and get cancelled
Ernest Alberklien: I would rather be ruled by a heavy handed monarch with virtue than a democracy that votes for gibs. Hell, I’d honestly rather live in a commie craphole.
Ernest Alberklien: On my personal political hierarchy, libretarian fuckwads are at rock bottom. Everyone knows commies are retarded [Sic!] but libertarians are austistic. They larp as conservatives then destroy the social framework of the nation, like throwing open the gates of Constanstinopal to the Islamic hoards.
Ernest Alberklien: Commies are the down syndrome kids in class, libertarians are the ADD kids that terrorize everyone.
JA: Their only redeeming quality is they can be converted
JA: It’s way harder to convert commies
Ernest Alberklien: Not old school ones.
Ernest Alberklien: Putin is a good example.
Ernest Alberklien: Same with the Chinese.
Ernest Alberklien: They frikkin redpill themselves eventually.
Ernest Alberklien: But the NeoComs in uni are impossible to convert.
JA: I feel like China’s model would be a good model to base our country on
Ernest Alberklien: Libertarians are f’ing hard too. Because they’re all selfish creeps who don’t give a crap about their people.
JA: Just without all the commie larping.
Ernest Alberklien: China is almost Facist. They’re communist only in name.
Ernest Alberklien: They need to let their larping die.
JA: Meme about comparing the defacing of pride sidewalks versus statues. (Image 27).
SB: Seriously though two Laughing Face Emojis how hypocritical to tear down symbols of our civilization and denounce our anger as racism yet get so butturt when their symbols of degeneracy or social “progress” are defaced in any small way
Mike Literus: A meme about the popularized political compass extremes on the internet, celebrating authoritarian right with white nationalist imagery. (Image 28).
JA: Answer: the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism Degeneracy
JA: Sends a link to a article arguing that Fat phobia is tied to Racism, and “Five ways to shift that”.
JA: Behold the specimen
Alberta Revolution: We have to be living in a simulation
Alberta Revolution: No possible way we’re not
JA: This is your brain on critical theory
SB: Bruh Laughing face Emoji
SB: tragic
Alberta Revolution: Sends a picture of themself drinking a beer in a field.
Alberta Revolution: Everyday I thank god I live outside of the cities
Alberta Revolution: Guy crop spraying in his plane right now and it sounds like I’m in Dunkirk
JA: Buddy why does it gotta be bud light
Alberta Revolution: When the dad buys the beer you can’t complain
JA: Fair enough
Alberta Revolution: I’m a white trash lucky lager guy myself
JA: Never turn down free beer
JA: I try to support local when I ca
Alberta Revolution: So snake lake or troubled monk
Mike Literus: Sends a picture of a white can labeled “Blood” in black writing.
Mike Literus: Official beverage
Alberta Revolution: With a side of children's genitalia
Alberta Revolution: (((Our greatest beverage)))
JA: There’s quite a few in red deer now
JA: I like Sawback brewing
Alberta Revolution: Ahh not much of a craft beer guy myself. I like my beer like my violence… domestic
JA: They make some stuff that tastes like domestic
JA: Its true that craft breweries are crawling with soy though
Mike Literus: I like my beer the way I like my women
Mike Literus: Cold
Alberta Revolution: Oh and a tip for Saturday buys please don’t end up pulling a Dave [REDACTED SURNAME] and getting blacked tf out at a political meeting lmao.
Alberta Revolution: Yeah true soy
Alberta Revolution: (((soy)))
JA: Speaking of Sawback, if you’re looking for a good hike Sawback ridge is really fucking nice
Alberta Revolution: Even us canola and ran farmers know soy is bad for you
Alberta Revolution: Where is that
JA: Petition to call canola rapeseed again
JA: It’s BNP, runs from Nerquay to Lake Louise
JA: I only did a short leg of it, then went back. Even though I only did a little bit of it it was pretty fucking nice.
Alberta Revolution: Once we get established more we should all do a hiking trip
JA: The only problem is that all the campgrounds are closed rn, due to COVID.
JA: Although they can’t really enforce it.
Alberta Revolution: I think they lifted it me and my family just camped out at pigeon lake for a week
Alberta Revolution: Or maybe only some are open
Alberta Revolution: I would rather not do it in a campsite though maybe crown land or my families land
JA: Its the backcountry camps
JA: Since they’re under the enforcement of the Nation Parks system
Mike Literus: We need a camp where we can concentrate
Alberta Revolution: We need a campsite where we can shoot guns
Alberta Revolution: Teron you’re our Ernest [REDACTED SURNAME] except minus the faggot [Sic!] part
JA: Still don’t got my PAL :(
Alberta Revolution: lmaoooo sams
Alberta Revolution: Same
Alberta Revolution: Don’t plan on getting it
JA: lib parents, no guns in the house
Alberta Revolution: Just go on GunNutz or town post. People will sell if you don’t have pal
Alberta Revolution: Especially SKSs
Alberta Revolution: I personally don’t want my name on a gun owners database
JA: There are some things I don’t fuck with. One of which is the RCMP
JA: Not worth it to get a felony to own the libs
Alberta Revolution: True. Might be harder for you with lib parents, living in a city and having no place to shoot
Alberta Revolution: Cuz even when I’m hunting fish cops never ask for PAl only the RCMP
JA: There’s a range south of red deer
Alberta Revolution: Ranges gay
JA: And an indoor range but it’s really expensive
JA: There crown land nearby too
Alberta Revolution: Can’t blow up 30lbs of explosives are a range
JA: You just gotta look at a country map
JA: It shows all the crown land
Alberta Revolution: Well man Sam knows a guy that you can get a pal from if you really want one.
Alberta Revolution: How old are you?
JA: 20
Alberta Revolution: Oh yeah you’re good. Just come shoot broomsticks with us one day.
JA: I just don’t see the point in getting one without having a place to store them. Can’t store at home, and I can get kicked out of school for having a gun in my dorm.
Alberta Revolution: Ever been to stettler Josh?
JA: Yeah for Hockey a few times.
JA: I passed through there on my way to Calgary too.
JA: Castor***
Alberta Revolution: lmao what tiers
Alberta Revolution: Maybe played ya
JA: Pewee A stopped playing hockey after that
Alberta Revolution: Ahhh you goddam chief niggers [Sic!]
Alberta Revolution: Well like 7 of us here are from Stettler
Alberta Revolution: Alberta BASED central
JA: Central AB really is the most based
Alberta Revolution: East central Alberta is actually so wholesome
Alberta Revolution: Yes exactly.
Alberta Revolution: Just a bunch of hardworking, caring and compassionate folks
JA: The wind turbines are fun to ride though
Alberta Revolution: And those fags [Sic!] out east step on us like we’re nothing
Alberta Revolution: Kinda useless though
JA: I’m not totally obsessed to them
JA: I’m more of a nuclear power guy
Alberta Revolution:Well exactly. Only sask uses nuclear out west though
JA: I really don’t understand why everyone hates it
JA: It’s objectively better than any other power source
Alberta Revolution: Muh Chernopyl and Fukushima. But it’s honestly come so far since then and Chernopyl was already out of date
Alberta Revolution: Alberta and sask have so much resource potential. Uranium, LNG, Bitumen, trees etc
Alberta Revolution: We really would/could be a world hub if we marketed these effectively
JA: Canada even has its own design, CANDU reactors, never had a major incident
Alberta Revolution: Soon. We will have the perfect fusion so we can colonize and pillage aliens one day
Alberta Revolution: Good we have a lad in UofA. Definitely want to do some events/activism there.
JA: UofA is a lost cause, I have friends that go there, libby as fuck
JA: UofC is more worthwhile
Alberta Revolution: Where do you go?
JA: UofC already has a established group of conservatives, both academic and non academic
JA: I’d rather not say. My program is specific enough that if this chat got leaked they’d be able to trace it to me
JA: Sends link to Calgary School, a political stream of study and association.
Alberta Revolution: Ahh well this why we try to keep the optics good
JA: Any political thing that is remotely based comes out of Calgary
Ernest Alberklien: Oooh. Nuclear power is my jam. I want to take my PhD in nuclear engineering.
Ernest Alberklien: I’m in my first year of my Masters in Mechanical Engineering
JA: The Edmonton-Calgary divide extends to the universities too
JA: Based. I thought about going into engineering but my math skills just aren’t there
Ernest Alberklien: BEng degrees are the most brutal by far.
Ernest Alberklien: I had to take eight classes a semester my first year.
JA: Wouldn’t you have to go to Ontario to do anything Nuclear related?
Ernest Alberklien: Witchcraft. We sacrifice Argo and Women and Gender Studies students to our lord and savior APEGA.
Ernest Alberklien: Pfffft. No. I’m not that sort of freeloader.
Ernest Alberklien: Imma backwards this liberal cramphole and make it based and beautiful.
JA: Social sciences are fucked these days. I feel like there’s less use for them, especially at the Graduate level, so they make up bullshit to make themselves justified.
Ernest Alberklien: Just because the province runs outdated LWRs doesn’t mean they’ll let me develop LFSFRs there
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, the humanities need to be defunded into the stone age.
Ernest Alberklien: Like the schmucks pay $200,000 for their degree in English Literature.
Ernest Alberklien: Liquid Fluoride Salt Fast Reactor.
Ernest Alberklien:Things that are Thermodynamically incapable of melting down and are efficient as f
JA: Polysci, Econ, History and Philosophy is still useful. Anything else is pretty questionable.
JA: I wouldn’t say the problem is the subjects themselves so much, but rather how much they’ve been taken over by critical theory
Ernest Alberklien: Nah, full price. If it doesn’t build up our industries it’s a luxury item, not an education.
Ernest Alberklien: People work hard for their money.
JA: I’d argue it’s important to maintain culture and a lot of that comes from the social sciences. It’s only after the 60s they started going sideways
Ernest Alberklien: That's part of the “Big Lie”
Ernest Alberklien: Cultures evolve naturally, and are a part of the social climate.
Ernest Alberklien: They don’t maintain culture they degenerate it.
Alberta Revolution: We need more Hegels, Gentile’s, platos, etc
Ernest Alberklien: Providence makes great people through the human experience.
JA: I was talking to Ernest about that, not you.
Alberta Revolution: Yes but the ideal nationalist state has a nationalist based academia
Ernest Alberklien: Of course. Preferably a humanities department that’s inexpensive and works for the people.
Ernest Alberklien: Because the research on “Gender Wage Disparity” is stealing money from frikken spaceships.
JA: Destroy anything made by a Young Hegelian
Alberta Revolution: Neo Hegelianism is based
Alberta Revolution: Read Gentile
Alberta Revolution: He also co wrote Mussolini’s book
Ernest Alberklien: Spaceships= more based
JA: Sends a photo of a book list.
Ernest Alberklien: Leviathan is tops.
JA: Don’t read Orwell though, he’s commie trash
JA: Same with Huxley
Ernest Alberklien: Thomas Hobbes kicks everyone’s butt.
Alberta Revolution: I wish orwell ate a Luftwaffe bomb
Ernest Alberklien: Indeed.
Alberta Revolution: Catalonia looks better on fire imo
JA: Dystopian novels are fucking stupid
Alberta Revolution: Fahrenheit 105 or whatever is pretty based shows you what we are becoming
Alberta Revolution: But that's the only dystopian one I like
Ernest Alberklien: I agree. Take the white pill or gtfo. No room for Nihilist losers.
Ernest Alberklien:: We’re creating our own destiny and it’ll be based and beautiful. I’m going to succeed or die trying, so I don’t give a crap about what kind of f’ed up dystopia ((they)) are planning.
JA: Posts an image of some bodies hanged in a row, they are implied to be communists. (Image 29).
Ernest Alberklien: they will fail because we will succeed. And if we don’t, we won’t be around to get commie dicks in our butts.
Ernest Alberklien: I’m actually glad we have a based humanities major here.
Ernest Alberklien: Your breed is rare.
JA: I’m not in humanities lol.
Ernest Alberklien: Ah. STEM?
JA: Science
Ernest Alberklien: BAsed
Ernest Alberklien: Welcome to the University’s Master Race.
Ernest Alberklien: Glad to have you. My quest continues for a based humanities major…
Ernest Alberklien: If one exists…
Ernest Alberklien: Actually Optics Cuck was TECHNICALLY a based humanities major…
JA: The smart ones realize how useless a BA is
Ernest Alberklien: Indeed.
Ernest Alberklien: That’s why I want it f’ing defunded.
Alberta Revolution: What are those people hanging
Alberta Revolution: Fer
JA: Commie Partisans
Ernest Alberklien: Based and beautiful.
Ernest Alberklien: Can I order a couple for the street lamps for my neighbourhood?
JA: Out of stock atm
Alberta Revolution: The German traitors hanging with “traitors to the German people” were peak aesthetic.
Ernest Alberklien: K. I’m going to issue Optics Cuck and you a couple glocks so you can go on a procurement mission.
Ernest Alberklien: Indeed. Great way to decorate the neighbourhood. Love (((streetlamp ornaments))).
Alberta Revolution: Posts an image featuring a wall with german writing: “Capitualation? No!” (Image 30).
Alberta Revolution: Too bad lots of adults are commies now
Alberta Revolution: Uhhhhhhhhhh why
Alberta Revolution: Lmaoooo
JA: One last one
Mike Literus: Sends a photo of a knife and a sharp tool. (Image 31).
Mike Literus: per request of waycee guess he wants me to make a great first impression
Alberta Revolution: Lmaooo
JA: Kinda sick though
JA: Is that a ceremonial knife?
Mike Literus: ye officers dagger
Alberta Revolution: I have my great uncles ww2 German paratrooper badge
JA: Sends a link to a worktable building tutorial.
JA: Thinking about making on of these
Alberta Revolution: What is it for on phone call rn can’t watch
JA: English joiners bench. Cheap, ugly and very solid
JA: My great grandpa fought in WW2 from the day it started to the day it ended
JA: From the British side
Alberta Revolution: Greatest generation. My grandpa’s brothers were all German but he came here as a baby with his parents
Alberta Revolution: Poor guy. My uncles all got captured by the Americans except one by the Soviets
JA: Did the one who was captured by the soviets survive?
Alberta Revolution: Lost all his fingers and wasn’t released until 1953 because he was in the waffen SS
Alberta Revolution: Worked at a salt mine as a prisoner for 8 years
JA: It’s a miracle he survived. Fucking Commies
JA: They were the strong men created from hard times
JA: We’re living in an age where weak men create hard times.
JA: It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to be a weak man from good times, or if you will be a strong man that leads us to good times.
Alberta Revolution: Well it’s very sad. When I met some of them like uncle Eli and uncle Jacob they all seem like beaten dogs who are done with life
JA: The Democratic west destroyed the wrong enemy.
Mike Literus: ur uncles r top tier doomers
JA: Victims of Communism.
Alberta Revolution: That’s what happens when you get cucked
JA: Our youth have forgotten the destruction that communism brings. They don’t even recognize it when they see it.
Mike Literus: uncle eli and jacob know they’re living in hell
Alberta Revolution: Only Eli, the rest went to prison camps in Texas or Britain
JA: I think that’s the big difference between Old Marxists and New Marxists. Old Marxits based their ideology on class. As class became less and less of a dividing issue in this country, (((they))) came up with a new method to divide us. Race, Gender and political views. That's Cultural Marxism.
JA: Turning white against white
JA: Ever notice how it’s only the whites that are divided? Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, they all have a consistent ideology and beliefs. White’s are the only ones that don’t. It was designed that way
Mike Literus: absolutely
JA: Bruhhhhhhhh
JA: Pete Buttigeg just got a job at Notre Dame
Alberta Revolution: Buttguy
JA: >homos at a catholic university
JA: Reminder- Vatican II was a mistake
Alberta Revolution: Very much so
Alberta Revolution: Based Lutheranism is the only way brother
Mike Literus: what’s next? homos in our restaurants?
JA: I’m not religious but Catholicism and Orthodoxy is based
Ernest Alberklien: LCMS is Master Race.
Alberta Revolution: Sends a photo of themself handling a ceremonial knife over the head. The caption is “POV: it’s 1934 and ur nose is too fuckin big” (image 32)
JA: POV: its 1934 and you’re Gregor Strasser
Alberta Revolution: Bolshiviks get long knives
JA: Figured this name would be a bit more anonymous
Ernest Alberklien: Jewbert Goldstienburg would have worked too.
JA: Not trying to be an optics cuck
Ernest Alberklien: Of course not. That’s Optikuks job.
Ernest Alberklien: His eyes and ears are everywhere. As the NSA watches you through your phone camera, Optikuk is watching them from beyond a one way mirror.
Ernest Alberklien: Sends a image of a cartoon man with a dumbo size ear.
Ernest Alberklien: Our anxiety-riddled Optikuk has a hypersensitive auditory system, the likes of which is only rivaled by the gargantuan gold detecting-nasal cavity supported by our (((colleagues))).
Alberta Revolution: Well so far everyone in the chat is pretty based
Alberta Revolution: Unironically Josh is the only one I don’t know about yet
Ernest Alberklien: Optikuk can even hear us when he’s sleeping (exhibit A).
Ernest Alberklien: I can’t wait to bore all of you, with long rambling rants about lame subjects.
Alberta Revolution: Optic cuck is a retard [Sic!] and needs to shut his telegram notifications off
Alberta Revolution: Gn Eli Weisil
Ernest Alberklien: Goodnight filthy jew
JA: I live for long rambling rants on lame subjects
Ernest Alberklien: We’ll get along fine.
Ernest Alberklien: If anyone’s made their own separatists memes and it’s alright with them getting posted on the facebook page, send ‘em my way!
SB: Sends three images, the first is a meme about right wing ancestors smiling (image 33). The second is simply of a young adult speaking at a computer desk in front of a computer screen with the logo for “Alberta Political Accountability Hub”. The third is of the twitter page of APAH.
SB: This guy is doing some “journalistic coverage” of the sepratist movement. Putting a video together. Fairly certain he’s a bit of a lefty or something, and he won't shed the movement in a good light. Either way maybe interesting to see a leftists youths view on separatism
SB: If he releases the vid and it is loser talking points nad gay we should counter it
SB: Hopefully that's not one of you guys Red Heart Emoji
SB: Posts an image of a google search “cucks near me” featuring resulted edited to read “United Cnservative Party”.
JA: Who’s the bigger cuck? UCP or NDP?
Ernest Alberklien: UCP. The NDP never married to become “strong, independent, wamen.”
Ernest Alberklien: Or at least, that’s what Sarah Hoffman tells herself as she cries herself to sleep.
Ernest Alberklien: “There are two main kinds of professional gossip: hairstyles and journalists. The difference between the two is hairstylists spin stories that are actually believable.” - Dr. Murdoch Chan
JA: Posts two photos, one of a woman in professional clothing, and one that has been turned into Social Justice Warrior meme from 2016.
Ernest Alberklien: Posts the office meme saying they are the same picture.
SB: The UCP will not protect our future. I don’t “hate” the weak conservatives anywhere near how I feel about the left. But in the new political realm they’re just as much our enemy if they fall short at defending our future
Ernest Alberklien: When that twat calls out separatism in the video, we’re recording a rebuttal.
Ernest Alberklien: It will be well researched and based, unlike his dumpy and shallow propaganda larp.
SB: I remember a few months ago him mentioning his video and how he’s working on it and he mentioned people who sell make Alberta great Again hats if he calls me out in the vid I’m going to meme him off twitter
SB: Lol meme threats ah cringe but yeah nah a video rebuttal will be based
Ernest Alberklien: DO IT.
Ernest Alberklien: You’re starring in the rebuttal video then. We’ll do something classy, in the “most interesting man in the world,” style.
SB: We could spoof his video and his gay lighting
Ernest Alberklien: YES.
SB: He is drinking orange champaign lmao the guy is just setting himself up
Ernest Alberklien: “Some folks might call me a hateful jerk. And those folks are what I like to call ‘wrong’. I don’t always properly educate fembois…”
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah get orange crush pop
SB: Hahaha omg I’m excited to watch hid video now
Ernest Alberklien: “As we continue to crush the Federalists like we crushed the NDP, take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come.”
SB: Yesterday when y’all were saying the AB section will probably take 2-3 election cycles made me thinking
JA: We need someone who knows how to make a good YouTube video
Ernest Alberklien: “We used to be a bunch of pubescent amateur political scientists like the short lil f’wit shill pickin a fight with Uncle Sammy. But then our balls dropped, and we realized we were being cucked by Canada.”
Ernest Alberklien: I have a friend who is an expert videographer.
Ernest Alberklien: We’ll take care of this, and make Sam out to be a superstar if Notley jr wants to tussle.
SB: Good video is soooo crucial. Especially with promo shots. Edits have to be clean, optics on point, sound on point
Ernest Alberklien: Sam and I will handle it. Waycee’s getting roped into it too.
Ernest Alberklien: Just so we can make Optikuk sweat bullets as we turn this faggy [Sic!] gentleman a new dick Ok hand signal Emoji
Ernest Alberklien: Free sex reassignment surgury for the socialist cretins, just like they’ve always wanted.
SB: Hahahaha. I’m going to get kicked off the WIPA board by playing in the dirt
SB: But man am I antsy to give it to these leftist dunce caps
Ernest Alberklien: That’s why we have our Lord and Savior Optikuk.
Ernest Alberklien: Josh, what are your skills? Have any talents for recruiting, propaganda etc?
JA: Yeah stay out of it Sam. It’s not a big deal if one of our members get involved, but if someone on the board goes after some dumb kid it’s not great optics
JA: Nothing really in particular
Ernest Alberklien: Don’t stay out of it.
Ernest Alberklien: Be smart about it.
Ernest Alberklien: Surrendering the airwaves to the left is sucked as hell.
SB: Yeah good point. To be fair I’m just some dumb kid a well. Depending how he appraises the movement will determine if I want to respond
JA: Some to think of it I’m pretty good at writing scripts
Ernest Alberklien: The whole point of it is to fight the hell out of them when they try to do this.
Ernest Alberklien: As am I.
SB: Scripts? Like for speeches?
Ernest Alberklien: I’m excellent at writing film scripts and speeches.
SB: Yeah we gotta snap back. But we gotta do it with poise. And with an air of professionalism
Ernest Alberklien: Pizzazz Ok hand- signal Emoji
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, we know. We’ll do that.
SB: Hey you two could put together a script for a big promo ad?
Ernest Alberklien: Optikuk and I are gonna make you look good.
Ernest Alberklien: Josh, wanna do that?
JA: Yeah I’m down
Ernest Alberklien: Awesome. Send me a PM here. When are you available for a call?
JA: Around 9ish
Ernest Alberklien: K that should work
SB: Based
Ernest Alberklien: What did you have in mind, Sam?
Ernest Alberklien: Send me your thoughts on it and ideas on FB.
SB: Ok.
SB: Well off the top I’m thinking a narrative style script, video clips that match the script, add value to what you are saying and pump the point home. Essentially from start to finish, (what is the context, what is the issue with the context, what is the path forward, how we intend to do that)..... Join nationalistyouth.com BABEY
SB: Anyone have a drone?
SB: Does anyone know how to steal clips of videos from YouTube?
Ernest Alberklien: Luke has a drone.
SB: That's the video expert correct?
Ernest Alberklien: Luke and I can steal YT clips.
Ernest Alberklien: Yep
SB: Based. Then we can steal news clips and antifa videos and all sorts of clips
JA: It should be narrated for sure- add videos of shit like antifa and rapefugees in Europe, compare and contrast to the peace we have at home
SB: Yes, exactly. Powerful imagery drawing comparisons and outlining hypocrisy in plain view will be powerful not just for youth but for the whole sepratist movement
JA: Emphasise freedom vs tyranny
SB: Show how good the society is that our ancestors created, and the absolute privilege that these modern immigrants have bringing their barbarity and expecting us to allow our society to morph into a third world communist nation
SB: Generally speaking.
SB: You don’t have to say that but like make clear we’ve got a different culture and societal “metanarrative” as Ernest calls it
SB: Josh what’s your drive for being a sepratist?
JA: Actual reason or reason that's going on the website?
SB: Actual reason
SB: We don’t put member profiles.
SB: I actually edited the code to increase privacy
JA: Separation is the only reasonable way to prevent Cultural Marxism in Canada. It’s the only region that consistently leans conservative, and has a lot of pre -existing sepratist sentiment. As long as Ottawa rules over us, they’re going to continue forcing Marxism down our throats. Separation would prevent this by 1. More conservatives in the west would ensure no lefty government is formed and 2. By fueling populism among the masses we can spread our message much more easily and effectively.
SB: I like that answer!
SB: Good points
Canadian Classic-Original: Sorry lads, been a busy lad, just got my job back 3 days ago. Meeting in this Saturday in red deer somewhere?
Ernest Alberklien: Yeha Optikuk has the details.
Canadian Classic-Original: Ight
SB: Nice man where do you work
JA: [REDACTED PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT] is actually a really fucking good resturant
Ernest Alberklien: You can offer praise and burnt offerings (in cross form) to Our Lord and Savior Optikuk in thanksgiving for the restaurant choice.
Mike Literus: Image of an E-girl meme about Facism, followed by a Trad Wife Meme, and a Julius Cesar Statue meme. Then, a reference to the second reich captioned “I’m afraid of gay people”. (Images 34-37)
JA: /pol/ tier memes
Alberta Revolution: We need to do a podcast on Radio Free Alberta
Ernest Alberklien: Yeah, I agree.
Alberta Revolution: Just got a S10
Ernest Alberklien: Josh, give me a call tomorrow. Waycee, lets talk about that at the meeting. What is an S10…?
JA: Phone?
Alberta Revolution: Yes
JA: Nice
Ernest Alberklien: Right!
Ernest Alberklien: Noice.
Ernest Alberklien: Now your’re cooking with fire!
Ernest Alberklien: Same number?
Alberta Revolution: Yes sir just feel like a boomer trying to run it
Ernest Alberklien: I’ll show you saturday if you’re still having trouble
Ernest Alberklien: If paint.net is any indication of your computer literacy, I’ll set aside eight hours to help.
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