Canadian political elite-backed Kahanist movement normalises open threats to political dissidents

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Written by: Marthad Umucyaba

Amidst Canadian Zionist praise for the Israeli pager terror attack on Lebanon, non-governmental Zionist organizations, along with Jewish terrorist organisations and other Jewish associations supported by the Canadian government, have accelerated the collapse of Canadian public political discourse.

All opposition to the NATO ethnic cleansing plan, and supporters of the anti-colonial resistance against the Zionist occupation and entity known as Israel, were casually threatened with epithets referring to the criminal pager and handheld electronics terrorist operation by Israel in Lebanon. This operation having occurred with the complicity of the NATO puppet regimes of Japan and the rogue administration of Taiwan province. Meir Weinstein and his compatriots at Israel Now, the successor to the Jewish Defence League’s Canada chapter, have been leading the campaign of terror against their perceived enemies.

The threats against opposition to the NATO ethnic cleansing plan in Palestine have now extended to political dissidents in a more explicit and visceral way. Sait Simsek, a University of Toronto political science graduate active in Palestine solidarity protests, has been threatened with epithets about being killed or gravely injured by pagers. McMaster University political science PhD candidate Ghada Sasa has also been threatened. The targets have even reached The Canada Files’ regular contributors Laith Marouf and Yves Engler. The Canada Files discussed the open threats on social media and other public outlets and heard their thoughts on the direction the colony of Canada is taking. Unfortunately for everyone involved, nothing positive was said about the direction.

A history of harassment against Yves Engler

Yves Engler is a regular contributor to The Canada Files and was involved in the consequential Concordia University anti-Netanyahu protests of 2001, which were led by another regular contributor, Laith Marouf of Free Palestine TV. Engler was expelled from the university for his activism, and to this day has not been able to complete his university degree, showcasing the cruel and pro-colonial nature of the Canadian “educational” system. As a side note, he’s also barred from entering the United States as retaliation for heckling US Secretary of State and professional liar Anthony Blinken.

Engler had regularly suffered harassment at the hands of the fascist ‘Kahanist’ Jewish Defence League, due to his opposition to Canada’s involvement in the NATO ethnic cleansing plan in Palestine. According to Yves Engler, in 2014, the JDL spat on him and vandalised his bike, and claimed responsibility for the crime against him in order to send a message of intimidation. Engler also noticed a large increase in alarming overtures to the pager assassinations targeting political opponents, such as threats done even by CIJA, which have now been deleted. It should be noted, however, that CIJA publicly made loaded comments about the pagers a day after the first terror attack took place in Lebanon.

The threats against Laith Marouf

After the September 16-17 pager and cell phone attack on Hezbollah, threatening overtures were made against Laith Marouf concerning the cell phone and pager attack. The threats were made by Meir Weinstein, the Show Host for Never Again Live Podcast and the founder for Israel Now, a rebranded successor to the Jewish Defence League. Here are some examples of the most egregious comments, inspired by Weinstein’s comments:

  • “Paging Laith Marouf! Is there a Mr. Malouf here??

  • “Trying to page Dimitri Lascaris and Laith Marouf , no reply”

As an aside, Israel’s terrorist attack on September 16 and 17 was a clear violation of the 1996 UN Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices, particularly Article 7 (UNDoc page 4-5):

  • Article 7 - Prohibitions on the use of booby-traps and other devices

  • 1. Without prejudice to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict relating to treachery and perfidy, it is prohibited in all circumstances to use booby-traps and other devices which are in any way attached to or associated with:

    • (a) internationally recognized protective emblems, signs or signals;

    • (b) sick, wounded or dead persons;

    • (c) burial or cremation sites or graves;

    • (d) medical facilities, medical equipment, medical supplies or medical transportation;

The ever-expanding list of crimes committed by NATO and its complicit press notwithstanding, when The Canada Files reached out to Marouf to discuss this issue, he pointed out the legacy and impact that he has had on the Zionists. In his words he “lives rent free in their minds”. But Marouf also believes that the degeneration of public discourse has a utilitarian purpose to the Canadian elite.

According to Marouf, Canada’s military is actively aiding Israel at the moment. Their troops are deployed in Cyprus ready to be mobilised against Lebanon, and their special forces, the JTF-2, are participating in the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. As a result of Canada’s criminal involvement, the ruling class will want public discourse to degenerate in a way that is favourable to the current military objectives of NATO and the Israeli colony.

From casual threats to concentration camps: Canada’s future

The persecution, vilification, and open threats against opposition to genocide and ethnic cleansing will have to be normalised, excused, permitted, and then finally endorsed. It will not matter whether the majority will share the same opinions as the far-right organisations of the JDL, CIJA, and other pro-colonial groups who cater to the NATO ethnic cleansing plan. All that will matter is that the far-right is more vocal, more militant than the opposition, and is able to repress the opposition with the full-fledged support of the state.

At that point, as Laith Marouf predicted, the relatives of the victims of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, the relatives of the people of Lebanon, and those that share the Muslim or Arab identities, will find themselves under heavy repression by the Canadian state. The Canadian state’s internment camps of antiquity, first against Ukrainians in World War I, and then against the Japanese in World War II, and even the concentration camps against occupied Indigenous nations, colloquially called “residential schools”, will be revived to house the Arab and Muslim population, particularly the Palestinians and the Lebanese (unless they’re related to the collaborators, of course).

Those in the Palestine solidarity movement should ask themselves this: are you protesting for your conscience, or for Palestine? If its for the latter, then it’s time to admit the current protests are not changing the overall Canadian government support for Israel, regardless of CRA moves to strip charity status or just tax credit granting status from some Zionist charities. If it’s for the former, by all means, carry on with the current modes of protest. But remember that fascists will target you regardless for any dissent, even if you’d sell out fellow protesters and Palestinian liberation to protect your own interests:

“First they came for the Communists. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me. And there was no one left. To speak out for me”


Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.

He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.

Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country's only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We've provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019, and need your support.
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