Canadian general won’t condemn Nazi honouring, will claim Russia and China at war with Canada
General Wayne Eyre gives a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka on September 23rd, 2023, later revealed to be a veteran of Nazi Germany's 14th Waffen SS Galicia Division. Image credit: Russian Embassy in Canada/’X’.
Written by: Marthad Umucyaba
It has been fourty-seven days since Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff, General Wayne Eyre, gave a standing ovation to Nazi veteran Yaroslav Hunka, along with 336 of 338 Canadian MPs. Yaroslav Hunka served in the 14th Waffen SS Galicia division, a division infamous for outrageous war crimes against the Jews and Poles, and Russians.
No apology has been issued by General Wayne Eyre or in written form through the Chief of the Defence Staff office, or even the Ministry of Defence. The Russian Embassy in Canada caught this on September 26, 2023, while The Grayzone wrote about this two days later. No change in stance has occurred since.
The shameful parliamentary standing ovation for Hunka, was less than a year after General Eyre himself declared that Russia and China are waging war against Canada before a House of Commons Standing Committee in October 2022. Eyre cited the need to protect the ‘rules based’ international order which has ‘underpinned national prosperity’ (namely through looting of minerals and resources in the global south, especially Africa).
This October, General Eyre released a Pan-Domain Force Employment Concept document regurgitating the same narrative in print, as reported by Ottawa Citizen reporter David Pugliese.
General Eyre’s unilateral declaration of War on Eurasia and battle for ‘liberal democracy’
Echoing the wild rhetoric General Eyre used during his October 2022 appearance before Canadian parliamentarians, in the paper discovered by the Ottawa Citizen, he once again claimed that Russia and China have waged war on the west. Another consistent element was his unproven claim that ‘Russia and China do not differentiate between peace and war’.
This outrageous statement is a classic case of projection, especially for NATO. There is also no evidence for any of it. The focuses of the concept paper obtained by the Ottawa Citizen show the claim has been set up as a pretext to introduce the use of ‘AI’ to manipulate public opinion, and to surveil dissidents.
On The Two Front War
NATO countries have shamefully sought to conceal the criminal nature of the ‘war for liberal democracy’ in the Middle East. They’ve also denied the true genocidal nature of the Israeli government, along with the bombing of Gaza, and the history of Israeli occupation of Palestine. But this information has seeped through nonetheless, becoming available to the public through social media platforms like X and Tik Tok. The public has thus responded, despite threats from the ‘democratic’ politicians of NATO, by conducting mass movements around the globe. The pro-Palestinian resistance protests are even large-scale protests in the NATO countries. Regardless of how this plays out, the propaganda war has ended in NATO’s defeat.
This has put the colonial project of ‘Israel’ at risk, prompting NATO to rush to defend it, at the expense of Ukraine. Ukraine, incidentally, has now over 500 000 killed, and 1.2 to 1.5 million overall casualties (41:45-43:02). Ukraine’s most battle-ready and ideologically committed Nazis have all died (1:45-6:23), leaving a conscript army with little to no hope in holding off a Russian offensive in the winter.
On both fronts, NATO has been caught defending criminality, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The ‘axis of evil’ has sides that have unique histories, and accept each other’s cultural and political differences, as an equal, multi-polar world order should. Russia and China have turned out to be the ‘axis’ defending truth, justice, and humanity on the world stage. Russia (via its predecessor country, the USSR) and the Communist Party of China, were also on the right side of history in World War Two. These are important facts to consider when Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff refuses to apologise for honouring a Nazi, or for training Nazis in Europe.
Time to connect the dots: The picture is not pretty
As a thought experiment, the reader should suppose that General Wayne Eyre is right, and that all of these proxy wars initiated by NATO are in fact a response to a greater world war between NATO and the ‘axis of evil’. This means that the NATO countries are now officially in a World War alliance against Russia and China, absolutely without the consent of Canadians.
Fascist war crimes in World War II and the current war crimes NATO are committing have had chauvinist excuses to back them up, all falling under the greater umbrella of White Supremacy. They were always initiated by disgruntled landowners and capitalists, with the primary goal of reclaiming their exploited lands, labour, and/or goods ‘stolen’ by the working class. Ultimately, it was about European capital and its expansion, whether by European capitalists in the colonies of the Americas, Oceania and the Middle East (Israel), or directly in Europe or Eurasia.
Countries with a large public sector, and that are unafraid of openly criticising the capitalist system that the elites that rule NATO depend on, will not sit well with NATO no matter what they do. They will either be seen as a nuisance, a threat, or a target for an untapped market that just needs the right kind of ‘democratic coup’.
The side involved with ethnic cleansing and genocide is clearly NATO, regardless of how they try to paper over the ‘good’ vs ‘evil’ dynamic in their favour. If that’s the case, what side of history are you on, if you side with Canadian imperialism against China and Russia? You might not be the only one having to answer this question.
In this hypothetical scenario, Canadian General Wayne Eyre might also have to answer a question like this in a tribunal, if NATO is defeated in the war he's unilaterally declared.
Will General Eyre find himself saying, “I was just following orders”? Could that also be his excuse for staying silent on NaziGate? Time will tell. Stay tuned.
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Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.
He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.
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