Canada props up gang-supported plunder of Haiti under pretext of “Kenyan-led” intervention
A screenshot from The Canada Files’ interview with Booker Ngesa Omole, the Communist Party of Kenya (Marxist)’s General Secretary.
Written by: Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba
A Canadian military mission is focused on enabling NATO and its’ Kenyan proxy to select gang members in Haiti to guard resource extraction sites, and sanction gang members so when they get into government, they’ll hurt the government’s ability to obtain resources.
A Canadian high commissioner and the CIA’s director were also present at the Kenyan parliament vote to approve Kenya’s proxy-mission - on behalf of NATO - to occupy Haiti.
This comes as NATO sanctions gang leaders who are negotiating with the Haitian national police to take government positions. These plans will serve the purpose of weakening and paralyzing Haiti’s institutions further in the procurement of international goods through exports and imports, the General Secretary of Kenya’s largest communist party has told The Canada Files.
The Canada Files’ chose to look into Canada’s military adventure in Haiti, advertised as “Kenyan led” and codenamed Operation HELIOS, which led us to speak to Communist Party of Kenya (Marxist)’s General Secretary, Booker Ngesa Omole.
Booker revealed the underlying motivations of both NATO and the Kenyan government, behind inciting the gang war in Haiti and sanctioning select “gang leaders”.
Sold as a humanitarian, “Kenyan-led” mission to “restore order”, Operation Helios is preparing a similar situation to what’s happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the DRC, strategic minerals are “guarded” by “rebel groups” - gangs in Haiti’s case- and then sold to multinationals such as the Newmont Corporation.
An astonishing 50 mining permits were granted on Haiti’s land to North American resource extraction companies during the “gang war” of 2006-2013. Most of the security in protection of these “assets” is conducted by the gangs in the region. Even the World Bank is “investing” in Haiti, while imposing crushing structural adjustment programs. Haiti’s laws, as part of the punchline, are even being written by the World Bank and the US.
Kenya: A reliable NATO puppet regime
As mentioned earlier, The Canada Files reached out to the Communist Party of Kenya (Marxist)’s General Secretary, Booker Ngesa Omole. His party has regularly protested the Kenyan intervention into Haiti on the grounds that police deployment abroad is illegal and unconstitutional. Incidentally, he was recently the target of an alleged assassination attempt by eight unnamed individuals, while one was killed by Booker in self-defence. Booker said the one identified body was a former member of the Kenyan National Intelligence, signalling state involvement in the assassination attempt.
According to Booker, the Kenyan government has an opportunistic “wait and see” foreign policy, which is based on patronage and quid pro quo deals largely with the NATO states. Historically Kenya has been involved in serving the interests of NATO as a proxy in the following ways:
Kenya’s contributions to imperialism helped it obtain the strategic position of a major non-NATO US ally on June 24, 2024, one day before Kenya’s soldiers deployed to Haiti. Kenya’s induction as a US major non-NATO ally set the stage for an imperialist and predatory project “led” by a longstanding servant of Western imperialism in Africa.
Canada “taking a back seat” and other falsehoods
Canada’s narrative of taking a back seat and having “Africans be in solidarity with each other” comes from how Operation HELIOS is being conducted. Booker explained that Canadian soldiers, particularly from the combat-focused 22nd Royal Regiment, are training Kenyan police officers and CARICOM (the “Caribbean Community”) military personnel in Jamaica, a member of CARICOM and a colony of the United Kingdom. They are then deployed in Haiti after the training is concluded. The colonial subjects of the United Kingdom being trained are largely of African origin. However, despite the alleged “back seat” being taken, Canada’s government was instrumental in ensuring that Kenya “led” the mission to begin with.
According to Booker, NATO’s chief representatives, especially the USA and Canada, were present at the Kenyan Parliament in order to ensure that the bill authorising police intervention in Haiti was passed. Representing Canada and its “interests” was Christopher Thornley, the High Commissioner for Canada in the Republic of Kenya (also covering Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda), all East African Community states. Representing US “interests” was the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director, Bill Burns. Bill Gates, who Booker aptly referred to as an “international criminal”, was also present.
How a bill authorizing Kenyan police deployment in a foreign country could be passed in parliament, while the current constitution in effect in Kenya (ratified in 2010) only permits the police service to operate within Kenyan territory, is telling:
Establishment of the National Police Service:
243.(3) The National Police Service is a national service and shall function throughout Kenya.
(Constitution of Kenya, Pg. 146)
Canada sent the High Commissioner Thornley as an observer to Kenya’s Parliament to ensure that the bill was passed on November 16, 2023 (Pg 9. Senate Votes and Proceedings). As an added point of intimidation, the Director of the CIA was also there. The bill was rammed through despite an ongoing court challenge to foreign deployment of Kenya’s National Police Service. Rather than Kenya “leading”, Canada along with the US and the rest of NATO have been pulling the strings from the start.
The Canada Files reached out to the CIA and High Commission for Canada in the Republic of Kenya for comment. Neither replied to The Canada Files.
The Bottom Line: Gangs and their role in the neo-colonial economy
Even the NATO-controlled UN admits that the vast majority of weapons secured by the Haitian “gangs” originate from the US. It’s a known and established fact that the crime networks in the United States were built from the bottom up by the CIA, originating with the CIA’s use of the Mafia to prevent the election of communists in Italy post-Mussolini (0:00-6:25). Italian Mafia members, in reward for their “contributions” to the Italian election results, were given residency in the US and control of strategic industries, including the music industry, film industry, and infamous control of the alcohol industry.
Haitian gangs’ reward Booker says, is a hapless national police service less armed and less equipped than they are, securing them the leverage to negotiate for government positions. The weapons for gangs are funneled underground by the US, so sanctions don’t hurt the gangs. They will only debilitate the Haitian government’s abilities to secure resources when a sanctioned gang leader eventually takes a cabinet position in the government. The system is set up in this manner by design, to ensure Haiti’s plunder continues full steam ahead.
House Slave politics: a decisive feature of the NATO strategy
“The most important thing for people to understand is that the whole rhetoric around Kenyans’ mission to Haiti that have actually been choreographed as if it is a pan-Africanist mission is actually a lie to justify the imperialist intervention in Haiti; to make sure that for the first time they can successfully intervene Haiti by putting the black boots on the ground and saying that, ‘these are your sisters and brothers that would like to help you.’”
Booker Ngesa Omole, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kenya (Marxist)
Much like the “altruistic” resettlement of the world’s refugees into Canada and the United States, - in practice a human trafficking program of high quality and cheap labour - the House Slave strategy of using Comprador politicians has been a key and emblematic strategy of colonial powers since Machiavelli’s The Prince. Nazis in Ukraine are serving that purpose against communists and Russians in the country, the Palestinian Authority serves that purpose against the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, and towards Haiti, CARICOM and Kenya are the compradors, along with the Haitian “gangs” and corrupt politicians, fighting against the general public of Haiti.
This is a time-honoured strategy, which has allowed the NATO white supremacist axis to plunder the rest of the world for ages. It also allows open racists to shift the blame for the social maladies that inevitably come about from these acts of plunder and corruption, all while further dividing the global working class along established racial castes set up by NATO’s “rules-based” international order.
Feeling cornered and realizing that many movements and some governments around the world are finding ways to unravel the House Slave strategy, the racism is, by necessity, becoming more blatant with the likes of politicians such as Donald Trump leading the NATO states. The House Slave strategy is being uncovered, so the charade of masking white supremacy in NATO’s policy is ending.
The only question now is how ugly NATO’s “humanitarian” and “democratic” face will get, and how much damage NATO will cause in the alliance’s inevitable failure and decline:
“Whenever the master would say ‘we’ he would say ‘we’. That’s how you can tell a House Negro…He identified himself with his master more than his master would identify with himself and if you came to the House Negro and said, ‘Let’s run away, let’s escape, let’s separate.’, that House Negro would look at you and say, ‘Man you crazy. Whatcha mean separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?’ That was that House Negro.”
Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.
He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.
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